I'd love to see Kim back tonight, she needs her own show frankly.
At the end of the last thread we were discussing the historic web of pervs and pedalo's in tv land, about to pick to pieces the below from Philths autobiography as posted by
@StonedCyclist Does he mention his cruise with him or his first interview in NZ with Kitty? - Those on the Savile thread will remember when we did the same to sometimes terrifying degree. And hospital radio used to come up a lot then too.
"Further to my earlier post- I am now skimming through the Schofe book. Points of interest so far:
Schofe Ramblings
P34 (pre-fame)
‘I found what I was looking for at Hospital Radio, Plymouth, with a group of exiting broadcasters led by local celebrity David Rodgers. David became a mate and in time introduced me to Judy Spiers, Hugh Scully and Ruth Langsford’.
P44 (on starting at bbc)
‘At the time I was the youngest employee at BBC London. This was something that they took very seriously. I was constantly asked if I was ok and, looking back it was in a remarkable show of care, they paid my return ticket, every fortnight, an agreement they committed to ‘until I had reached the age of 19 or 20 or had been there two years’.
P59 (attitude towards minions)
‘In all of the letters I have sent and all of the interviews with students that I have had, I have always stressed one thing: Im not interested in helping you if you just want to be famous: you have to want it in your bones’.
P64-65 Saville
Requested to see Saville in recording studio, internal memo. Saville allowed him to introduce a record on BBC1. Buzzing. Saville advised ‘be nice to everyone on the way up, you will need them on the way down’.
Schofe and Saville met many times over the years. Sad when he died- tweeted an obituary- that he has since searched hours for, to delete it.
‘ in any of the brief times I had contact with him, there was not one hint of who he really was, from either him or anyone I met. I just wish that, back then, victims had been believed or had felt that they have the support to speak up against this monster, who was hiding in plain site…….’"