PCDs Elis James and John Robins #2 Is it us? Are we the drama?

I'm slowing getting caught up with their old radio X shows, do they ever mention why they jumped ship to the BBC? They've made a few comments about the massive increase in promotions and adverts they have to do in the current episodes so I wonder if that played a part?
Presumably they were given a significant pay rise and also the vibe at the bbc was probably more in keeping with their brand than the “laddy” Radio X.
Reading the comments on the FB group, we’re apparently all subhuman scum who should be booted out of all PCD related groups. The irony being that I’ve seen much more unpleasant behaviours on that page than here. There’s a small core of gatekeepers in that group who do my head in.
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Reading the comments on the FB group, we’re apparently all subhuman scum who should be booted out of all PCD related groups. The irony being that I’ve seen much more unpleasant behaviours on that page than here. There’s a small core of gatekeepers in that group who do my head in.

The ‘nicest corner of the internet’ is all well and good until there’s an absolute pile on. 🫣🙄

When I was in it, I would NEVER post or reply because of the awful snippy replies. It also put me off the podcast and the last time I listened was sept 🤦🏼‍♀️ at least I have a nice build up now to catch up on!
I'm slowing getting caught up with their old radio X shows, do they ever mention why they jumped ship to the BBC? They've made a few comments about the massive increase in promotions and adverts they have to do in the current episodes so I wonder if that played a part?

Don't think it's ever explicitly mentioned on air, but I think that wider exposure played a part - and the fact that the show would be produced by Audio Always meant they could work with Producer Dave again
The ‘nicest corner of the internet’ is all well and good until there’s an absolute pile on. 🫣🙄

Some self reflection wouldn’t go amiss. The worst thing was the group being named that because most of them now think they’re all so good and so decent and so kind. Put to one side the pile ons and lynches there’s been. Are we being critical on this site of others? Yes. Is it contrary to the “be a good human” mentality that the boys advocate for? Probably. But you can’t seriously tell me that folk in the Facebook group think they’re much better. Because I’ll give you screenshots showing otherwise.

Once upon a time it was a nice place; now? Not so much.
Some self reflection wouldn’t go amiss. The worst thing was the group being named that because most of them now think they’re all so good and so decent and so kind. Put to one side the pile ons and lynches there’s been. Are we being critical on this site of others? Yes. Is it contrary to the “be a good human” mentality that the boys advocate for? Probably. But you can’t seriously tell me that folk in the Facebook group think they’re much better. Because I’ll give you screenshots showing otherwise.

Once upon a time it was a nice place; now? Not so much.

Self reflection by me? Or the group?

yes I agree I think it’s just too big now in that just like anywhere in the world there are a mix of opinions and views etc etc people will not agree with everything. Maybe I prefer tattle because it’s anon so if there’s a diff of opinion it’s not ‘me’ they don’t agree with it’s my handle and I can go about my day without replaying it in my head (✨anxiety✨ game strong). I know that doesn’t make much sense because it’s still my opinion but dunno just feels less personal. And you disagree and move on here. Dunno. Rambling now. I’m on a few other groups for other things and it’s the exact same there. Social media eh 😂 it’s a funny old world

Trying to think of something to bring the thread back to the show but I’m too behind to be relevant 😂
Self reflection by me? Or the group?

yes I agree I think it’s just too big now in that just like anywhere in the world there are a mix of opinions and views etc etc people will not agree with everything. Maybe I prefer tattle because it’s anon so if there’s a diff of opinion it’s not ‘me’ they don’t agree with it’s my handle and I can go about my day without replaying it in my head (✨anxiety✨ game strong). I know that doesn’t make much sense because it’s still my opinion but dunno just feels less personal. And you disagree and move on here. Dunno. Rambling now. I’m on a few other groups for other things and it’s the exact same there. Social media eh 😂 it’s a funny old world

Trying to think of something to bring the thread back to the show but I’m too behind to be relevant 😂

Oh no!! Sorry!! The group ❤️
As I've mentioned before, I don't have FB and at times I've heard the PCD group mentioned don various mediums and wondered if I should get it again for being part of it (me not having anyone IRL who listens to the pod and it would be nice to discuss certain things).

But after finding this group here I'm glad I haven't rejoined. It seems like there are some toxic people on there and everyone must agree with the "leaders".

Whereas our little corner is much more positive, and it's a vibe I can get on board with.
OMG. So I’ve just rediscovered this page after (wrongly!!) thinking it had petered out. I must have switched the notifications off or something. As the founder of the page can I just say how very proud I am that it got a mention on the bin fire that is the Facebook group 🤣🤣🤣 (which is how I ended up back here!!). Excellent job keeping the page moving, lads. I’m so happy to be back.

I saw Howl in London and it was just incredible. Really hard to put it into words.

I’m very happy with two podcasts a week and DELIGHTED that Johnny JR is on Taskmaster. I adore him.

I don’t know if I’ve caught up with everything on here but I’d also like to give ‘Lorraine Kelly would get it’ a special mention lolololololol.
Hi fellow PCDs! Retro one-er here.

I saw the drama on the Facebook group and have hunted down this thread to see for myself! I'm only on Tattle to talk about equestrian influencers really - and mostly positive stuff apart from the ones who mistreat their horses so boo to anyone who thinks Tattle is just mindless bitching.

I couldn't find anything that bad on the big thread tbh - literally anyone doing Go Fund Me for anything other than charity is going to be viewed with suspicion given how many grifters and dodgy characters have done it. What did they expect?! Sure they might be genuinely lovely people having a hard time - aren't we all - but no one really knows who anyone is online and it's very very easy for well meaning people to be conned and exploited.

I'm always very skeptical about anyone asking or hinting for money online and I think everyone should be.
OMG. So I’ve just rediscovered this page after (wrongly!!) thinking it had petered out. I must have switched the notifications off or something. As the founder of the page can I just say how very proud I am that it got a mention on the bin fire that is the Facebook group 🤣🤣🤣 (which is how I ended up back here!!). Excellent job keeping the page moving, lads. I’m so happy to be back.

I saw Howl in London and it was just incredible. Really hard to put it into words.

I’m very happy with two podcasts a week and DELIGHTED that Johnny JR is on Taskmaster. I adore him.

I don’t know if I’ve caught up with everything on here but I’d also like to give ‘Lorraine Kelly would get it’ a special mention lolololololol.

I feel the same about Howl. It's hard to describe it to people. My friend came with me to see it, having never heard the podcast or even of John before aside what i had told her (which I know is a controversial choice of gig companion) but she adored it as much as I did, and now follows John and his work (though not the podcast because she's not a podcast girlie). Anyway what I'm trying to say is that Howl transcends just the guys and can touch a whole host of people,but try and explain to someone "well it's a show about him realising he has issues with alcohol because he needed a slotted spoon, but it's hilarious honest".
Another new recruit who’s jumped ship from the FB group here!

Glad I discovered you. The FB group is all very safe and welcoming and all that until anyone shares any misgivings re the show’s new format, new dominance of Dave etc. Then they seemed to get shouted down and criticised for having a bad attitude.

Never felt happy to post anything there tbh good or bad. Also, it doesn’t sit comfortably with me that people share the most private moments and anyone in the group can see their profile/could know them. Much better to be anonymous.
Another new recruit who’s jumped ship from the FB group here!

Glad I discovered you. The FB group is all very safe and welcoming and all that until anyone shares any misgivings re the show’s new format, new dominance of Dave etc. Then they seemed to get shouted down and criticised for having a bad attitude.

Never felt happy to post anything there tbh good or bad. Also, it doesn’t sit comfortably with me that people share the most private moments and anyone in the group can see their profile/could know them. Much better to be anonymous.

Welcome to the fold! Get settled in here, we’re nice despite the rep we seem to now have 😂
Another new recruit who’s jumped ship from the FB group here!

Glad I discovered you. The FB group is all very safe and welcoming and all that until anyone shares any misgivings re the show’s new format, new dominance of Dave etc. Then they seemed to get shouted down and criticised for having a bad attitude.

Never felt happy to post anything there tbh good or bad. Also, it doesn’t sit comfortably with me that people share the most private moments and anyone in the group can see their profile/could know them. Much better to be anonymous.

New dominance of Dave? Oh, yes, please. 🥵

Sorry, I have the mind of a 14 year old boy.

Welcome! We're a nice bunch! 👋🏽
Is this a Sali Hughes situation? That this situation has only driven more people here?
That would be hilarious. I bet there are loads of people on there who agree with us but don’t want to get involved with the drama so have ended up here.

If that’s you, welcome aboard! This is much nicer forum that mostly talks about how much we love the boys but also sometimes pokes fun lightheartedly at the pearl clutchers and neck beards on facey b 🤭