One of my friends married someone with that type of age gap. They had to battle alot o prejudice in the beginning. We all hought she was mad but they adore each other (and he has a young outlook and minds himself) and have proven us all wrong in te log run. But and this is the key their outlook on life and want aspirations values etc are very similar. I think that was the problem with J & P
Jason was just out of secondary school though, the age gap isn’t really the issue. I think if it was now 24/40 it would be easier to get on board with it.
But he was a baby
And Paul didn’t give up alcohol until a year (?) after they met. He had a bit of an issue with that didn’t he.
It seemed to serve them well for a while anyway
I've a daughter that age. She would have nothing in common with a 35 year old! Its a weird one.
I do believe there’s a 14 year age gap between Paul & ‘baba jjjaaasssooonn’. So he’s probably around 26. Paul can do so much better than him anyway. Jason just acts like a KIDD the whole time. He lives up to his surname that’s for sure
I think he’s 25 on next birthday. For some reason I remember his last birthday being 24 but it might have been a dream