I did
Another podcast that should be a therapy session
Paul talks about their childhood first, santa, the bedtime routine as kids (teeth, wees and prayers) shocking revelation that he still remembers the prayer 43 years later.
He then tells Elaine that the will go as deep or shallow as she wishes on the next topic amd to stop him at anytime if it gets too much. She went searching and found Paul's adoption papers so the conversation is all about Paul even though you were led to believe it may be about Elains adoption which is barely mentioned. He is 1 of 5 siblings, mot all of them were adopted. He met a sister and he could see her in him- Elaine corrected him saying you saw yourself in her and he agreed. Sounds like there was no contact again. 3 siblings have the same dad, Paul and 1 brother havw dofferent fathera they are both adopted and have alcohol and drug issues. Those brother contacted him but he didn't get back to him (despite saying everyone she Seize the day and meet theor adoptive families before its too late like what happened with his mother) Elaine picked him up on this. His neice follows him in SM and she messaged him- he smiled and said how nice that was - but cant remember of he replied- Elaine was shocked that he reads DMs as she claims he never reads her messages
His most ridiculous statement was that he wasn't to remove the stigma around adoption.
I've never in all my years met anyone who knows or mentioned the "stigma" of adoption - quite the opposite in my experience from an early age it wad talked about openly at home and in the school I attended
His mother had an intellectual disability but went to school, had a job and relationship he touches on how severe this ID was but doesn't say what the social worker told him
His parents had a child who passed away before they adopted Paul called Jimmy
I'm sure I've left out loads someone else might help with missing details
I should have taken notes my rambling would be in better order