Paul Hollywood

APparently he has texted her to tell her he still loves her and wants her back, blaming her mum for the split

More like she is being wooed by various reality tv shows and he doesn't want her on them in case she says too much. If he gets her back he can convince her not to do them and he can keep her quiet without the need to sign the NDA that broke them up maybe.
Got to wonder what it is that he doesn’t want coming out of the woodwork. I’d be pretty pissed too if I had to sign a non disclosure ages after the relationship started, if it was at the start you can decide if that’s what you want but you know what your getting into at least.

Wonder what she saw in millionaire Paul Hollywood in the first place though, nothing to do with his fame and money I’m sure
i cant stand either party but the barmaid ex and her mum do themselves no favours, with the clothes they wear and all horses they cant be short of cash themselves but they seem to act like they are so important. I remember a few months back when Summers mum posted a insta video reading a statement you'd think she was a huge celebrity how she worded it and spoke

Saw a video of a hello interview with his ex-wife yesterday, crikey she's had so much work done her face barely moves. Shame as she's a pretty lady but literally from the cheeks up it's like she's so chock full of filler/Botox that her mouth doesn't move properly.
I honestly don’t know what women see in him.

He’s middle aged, over weight, not attractive and just seems like an utter prick. I really don’t see what the attraction is. He just seems like a dirty, sex obsessed creep.
Couldn’t agree more and they say it’s his eyes his eyes tell me he’s a dirty little creep

I am into older guys, my husband is 17 years older then me( whatever floats your boat) but Paul is not sexy he is like a creepy old man that you see in porn movies. Maybe he should do the great British duck off and star in it 😂😂😂🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 ( ok maybe I went a bit over board here but he did get rid of the Baker I liked on Tuesday)

No soggy bottoms 🤢🤢🤢
Can't stand him, he gives a creepy vibe. This will sound weird but he has eyes that I don't trust. Any man that I've ever encountered with those light blue/grey eyes has been a horror, such as manipulative and creepy.

Same 😂 Can't stand the creepy eyes. He is so unappealing and a total piece of tit. Glad his wife finally left him.
I need to find the link again but earlier in this serious I heard he kicked off as they all failed a technical. He was kicking stuff and shouting.

It definitely sounded like something he could be capable of. I’ll have another google.