Pascale Banks

I don’t know why, and I might be completely wrong, but I’m starting to wonder if Pascale’s split from her husband? She hasn’t mentioned him on stories for ages, and the lady grid post photo of him was 1st July. She also isn’t wearing her wedding rings any more 🤔 I stand corrected if I’m wrong obviously, just something that occurred to me!
I don’t know why, and I might be completely wrong, but I’m starting to wonder if Pascale’s split from her husband? She hasn’t mentioned him on stories for ages, and the lady grid post photo of him was 1st July. She also isn’t wearing her wedding rings any more 🤔 I stand corrected if I’m wrong obviously, just something that occurred to me!

She hasn't appeared on my feed for months actually. I'd forgotten about her. They did always appear to be very "together" and lovey dovey. I hope that's still the case.
I don’t know why, and I might be completely wrong, but I’m starting to wonder if Pascale’s split from her husband? She hasn’t mentioned him on stories for ages, and the lady grid post photo of him was 1st July. She also isn’t wearing her wedding rings any more 🤔 I stand corrected if I’m wrong obviously, just something that occurred to me!

Since you put this into my head I've noticed a severe lack of tagging him in loved up posts for sure!!
I couldn’t see any posts on either accounts since July. Had a two second nose on him. He’s an area manager for Tesco. Was surprised to be honest 🤣
Me neither - the last post that Neil put up with or mentioning Pascale was July 2021!
I feel she’s been going to lengths to show her ringless hands recently too 🤔 with not even a passing comment about him, let alone a photo.
Look on his tagged photos they are together in Hyde park for the queens funeral on September & they have been tagged together in a video recently for the Majorca holiday - so he must of been there?
Hmmm. Interesting isn't it. Yes I had heard/seen that he works for Tesco and remember being surprised at that, but I don't know why.

She was constantly tagging him and proclaiming her love for him.

Ooh he posted yesterday and she's liked it. So let's hope we are wrong!
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Such basic chavs screaming out the hotel window. I still think Pascale isn’t with her husband anymore. She’s out all the time without him. And since we’ve commented on here, she’s weirdly made reference to him
Being out/ working late. Might be wrong. But getting the newly single vibe from her.
I agree, I’ve wondered about it on here and I might be getting it totally wrong but like you I just get that vibe from her too! She was always out with him, always tagging him etc. I wonder if it was an amicable break up and they’ve stayed friends, hence why still liking each others posts sometimes? 🤔 Or maybe I’m reading too much into it ha ha 🤣
I agree, I’ve wondered about it on here and I might be getting it totally wrong but like you I just get that vibe from her too! She was always out with him, always tagging him etc. I wonder if it was an amicable break up and they’ve stayed friends, hence why still liking each others posts sometimes? 🤔 Or maybe I’m reading too much into it ha ha 🤣

She was constantly tagging him in stuff. I'd have thought she'd have tagged him in some of the jewellery she was looking at or shoes etc, for a "joke" or subtle hint. She is giving off a distinct single lady vibe. She usually posts way more of her twins also. Who knows!? I know I wouldn't take an invite from the Pan woman if I were to never again go outside my front door.
Has anyone else seen all the many Paris insta stories? WTAF 😳 I am mortified watching them out in that fancy restaurant, I’m cringing so hard I’m almost inside out! 🤣 All those poor people around them trying to have a nice meal out, did you catch the looks on some of their faces?! And was that a waiter that one of her Insta-twit friends grabbed round the neck as he walked past? 😳 I want to go and shout “Brits abroad aren’t all like this I promise!”
They are fast becoming parodies of themselves . . .
I went out last night with friends and we took 2 photos between us, we didn’t dance in between the tables either and we didn’t put anything on social media. I feel like their night was all for Instagram and not so much about having a good time. Sad. The woman grabbing the waiter who was just trying to do his job is totally crass, what a loon she looked.