Painful Period after Covid Vaccine

So glad I found this thread. Had my booster 18th Oct, had two relatively normal periods afterwards (26 and 32 days) and now I’m on day 45!!! Defo not pregnant as have taken tests. Also had bad skin this cycle which is unusual for me 😔
I ended up in the ER after getting the shot a few days after my daughter was born. Woke up 4 days after the shot and had large blood clots gushing out of me. Not just a little bit either, what can only be described as a tidal wave of blood and clots gushing out of me repeatedly. It was so much that it blocked our toilet (TMI I know). I genuinely thought I was hemorrhaging and about to die. My uterus was so filled up with blood clots they thought I would have to have D&C surgery because they were so large. All 3 of my labors and delivery were identical in every way other than getting the shot this time. I was fine after the second shot though. Every doctor I spoke to said that there wasn't any evidence currently of the shot affecting cycles, fertility etc. My husband and I both only agreed to get the shot once we knew we were done having kids out of an abundance of caution.
I’m so pleased I decided to actually open this thread. I’d heard from a few friends about certain upsets to menstrual cycle post-vaccine but mostly late or earlier periods and heavier bleeding. I hadn’t heard of others experiencing worse PMS symptoms than usual though, which is exactly what I’ve had for all of the 6 cycles I’ve had since my second jab.

Usually I would develop mildly tender breasts about 4 days pre-period and experience a bit of a bloated stomach and anxiety/agitation. My cycle is very predictable and as I’ve been TTC for a while I’m very aware and in tune with them and every little symptom. With each cycle since my second vaccine dose I’ve woken up one-two days after ovulation with rock hard, agonisingly painful breasts, significant water retention all over my body and extremely low mood. The first couple of times I thought my cycle was going to be messed up and my period was going to come 11-12 days early but no - just the most extreme PMS symptoms I’ve ever experienced for 14-16 days of each cycle. I’m in the middle of this yet again currently, and I’m still around 10 days away from my period starting. I’m so fed up with feeling like this for essentially half of every month.
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So had my booster (wasn't going to but gave in to my mums nagging)! Was due on a few days after (this was end December) but it came early and cramping was as bad as it has been since the other vaccines and longer period and heavier flow (again since vaccines was okay ish before). Just started 2nd period since booster and my god I feel ill with the cramps, the flows heavy and the clots (sorry for tmi!). Dont want to put anyone off booster but this plus the 2 weeks of PMS symptoms prior is insane but doctors aren't bothered!
The periods I've had since the second Pfizer jab have been horrendous. This thread really makes me feel less alone.

I have been in so much pain and had such heavy periods that I asked for an exemption form. It has just come back as unsuccessful and it has made me so angry (letter arrived on the first day of my period so I was already raging).

I'm just so upset that they think we should all just endure this horrible pain and horrible periods just for the sake of having the jab.
From the last updated yellow card reporting system:

"49,511 suspected reactions relating to a variety of menstrual disorders.".

We need to remember the vast majority do not report any reactions they get. Most won't even make a connection and if they do others will tell them it's nothing to do with the vaccine.

I am so sorry this is happening to you all. ❤
Still feeling very depressed before my periods, I already have mental health issues in which my moods fluctuate from super high to super depressed, I never know if I need mental help in the days leading up to it because the periods aren't regular at all and I've called the crisis team a few times only to find out it's just my bleeping period.

I never had any of this before and it's so exhausting. Despite my family nagging I still won't be taking the booster for now in case things get any worse.
I’ve made it to day 23 of my current cycle without any PMS symptoms. As I posted before, since my first/second vaccine dose I’ve been getting awful, fairly-debilitating PMS from around day 14 every cycle. I’m really really hoping that things are going to get back to normal as I couldn’t have continued spending half of every month feeling extremely low and in pain/discomfort.

Even if the PMS kicks in with a vengeance tomorrow, it’s still a bit improvement on the last few month. Fingers crossed for all of you still suffering that you get a reprieve soon too 😞
So interesting reading some of this thread…. I’ve had much worse PMS symptoms the last few months and now I’m wondering if it’s vaccine related?! As others have said, my boobs are extremely tender from about ovulation time, this has been lasting about 2 weeks until my period arrives… I never used to have this, I would have tender breasts a few days before my period! I’ve also been having more cramps, after ovulation? I just don’t remember these symptoms before the vaccine?! ☹️ My periods are shorter and more erratic than they have been previously. (I’ve been ttc so have been tracking symptoms for about a year now, it also feels particularly unfair as I keep thinking new symptoms are pregnancy related!)

I think I got my booster October/November time. I can’t quite remember.. I’m hoping it eases slightly? If I do notice it eases I’m going to refuse another possible vaccination because I don’t want to go through this again.
So interesting reading some of this thread…. I’ve had much worse PMS symptoms the last few months and now I’m wondering if it’s vaccine related?! As others have said, my boobs are extremely tender from about ovulation time, this has been lasting about 2 weeks until my period arrives… I never used to have this, I would have tender breasts a few days before my period! I’ve also been having more cramps, after ovulation? I just don’t remember these symptoms before the vaccine?! ☹️ My periods are shorter and more erratic than they have been previously. (I’ve been ttc so have been tracking symptoms for about a year now, it also feels particularly unfair as I keep thinking new symptoms are pregnancy related!)

I think I got my booster October/November time. I can’t quite remember.. I’m hoping it eases slightly? If I do notice it eases I’m going to refuse another possible vaccination because I don’t want to go through this again.

This is exactly what it’s been like for me too. The sudden change in PMS symptoms post-vaccine, after over 20 years of them being very predictable and manageable just isn’t likely to be a coincidence, I don’t think. There’s no doubt in my mind that it’s been caused by the vaccine.

I’ve been TTC for a while too, and that has made the PMS even harder to deal with as each cycle I’ve known it’s far too early to be experiencing pregnancy symptoms, so it’s been 14-16 days of miserable symptoms and being desperate for my period to start to I can try again. I’ve never had period cramps at all until the last few months, but since vaccine have been getting them for several days before my period finally starts.

Sorry to hear you’re suffering with it all, and hope it eases for you soon.
Has anyone managed to get medical exemption for this? I had the first jab but no more due to the after affects. I’m just worried about being asked and then being judged. it’s not a requirement to be jabbed either
Has anyone managed to get medical exemption for this? I had the first jab but no more due to the after affects. I’m just worried about being asked and then being judged. it’s not a requirement to be jabbed either
If someone asks (unless it’s a medical professional) it’s nothing to do with them, just lie. That’s what my friends who opted not to be vaccinated do if ever asked.
Has anyone gone completely the other way with their periods?

Since my teens I have had extremely painful and heavy periods - I’m talking packets and packets of pain but still in pain, being sick from the pain, big clots and bleeding through a jumbo tampon in an hour and a half. Really bad PMS (emotion and physical) too.

BUT my after my second vaccine and boosters have been much much lighter and so much less pain!? I was on my period at the time of both jags so I def had a full cycle and assume it’s from the vaccine?