Orlaith Donlon

I actually had to message her about that run!! There is no way she is running 7 min miles!! She messaged back to say, yes, her time was right 😆🙄, she would be 1st female finisher at that pace at most Parkruns. Did anyone get the Strava name she is using? I've forgotten it but when I checked her Strava runs they are more like 9.30 pace, which sound about right.

These are her actual times ffs 🙄🙄
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I got this near exact recipe from
BBC good foods recently except instead on cinnamon there was ginger and no seeds. I have to say they are really tasty I was eating them from the bowl, so would recommend giving them a try!
It looks good - I saw someone mention putting chocolate chips in it. I’m going to try it later on and let ye know if it’s as epic as she makes it out to be. I love to bake and I do it a lot so have very particular tastes in stuff like that!

I asked months ago for the recipe and we’ve made it loads without the seeds. It’s actually lovely 😂