Orlaith Donlon

I stopped watching her after her post about stealing their childhood or whatever way she put it taking them to protests. It just didn’t sit right with me. I believe in the cause and all of that before I get hammered but I don’t think that protests are the right place for young kids. There’s an age appropriate way to tell them what’s happening - if you choose to do so. We have chosen to not discuss it in front of ours and to not let them see footage. Maybe it’s not the right thing but it’s what we have decided is best for them.
Same. Have brought our girls in the buggy. I think it's important for them to see activism in action

I get very torn about it to be honest because I don’t want them to know the horrors of the world while they’re so young (2 and 4) but I don’t want them to be ignorant to it either especially as they grow older. We don’t have many protests where we live in very rural west of Ireland there are Palestinian flags in a lot of places and my elder child asks and I tell him that we are thinking of a country that isn’t as safe as ours and where their people aren’t happy. I don’t know how else to explain it to him because I am not showing him images of bombed out cities and mothers holding their dead babies in their arms.
I get very torn about it to be honest because I don’t want them to know the horrors of the world while they’re so young (2 and 4) but I don’t want them to be ignorant to it either especially as they grow older. We don’t have many protests where we live in very rural west of Ireland there are Palestinian flags in a lot of places and my elder child asks and I tell him that we are thinking of a country that isn’t as safe as ours and where their people aren’t happy. I don’t know how else to explain it to him because I am not showing him images of bombed out cities and mothers holding their dead babies in their arms.
Age appropriate explanations is how we go about things. Our eldest is 3 and the smallie is 1 so I'm not sure how much they even take in at that age. We explained it to our 3yo in a very similar way and she seemed happy with that. We try answer any questions as honestly (while staying age appropriate) as possible. It's what works for us as a family but it may not work for others and that's clomptely fine.
For gods sake there are more than 10 maybe more large scale armed conflicts taking place right now in the world
And there are always and have been wars
It’s horrific and not fair on innocents - as is the case centuries over

would she not just leave off SM alright rather than coming on making mince pies and guilt tripping
Even on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day she was banging on about peace for Palestine - and naturally it would have to be in Irish not like an ordinary human oh no. Saint Orlaith must be different. I wonder does she be constantly telling the kids how privileged they are. God I hate that word it would make you feel guilty for working hard and earning a decent life.