Orlagh Winters

And would she ever piss off with this SHEIN tit!! We all didn’t get pay outs and houses from our ex husbands. So SHEIN is affordable for us mere mortals.
And would she ever piss off with this SHEIN tit!! We all didn’t get pay outs and houses from our ex husbands. So SHEIN is affordable for us mere mortals.
Is that how she affords the lifestyle? I did wonder.... when she works in a pub
The phoney cockiness is so old. Every time she goes on about him being so lucky my soul cringes... and his awkward replies. Just stop!
I cannot believe I missed out on this thread. She’s the most bizarre instagrammer out there. She’s clearly a bar woman making out she owns the hotel, she behaves so strangely for a woman clearly in her 50’s. All the cursing, fortune teller jewellery and ‘be sound fuckers’ is ridiculous. Where did the boyfriend appear out of?
He was a guest in hotel and then ended up living with her.