Ordinary Adventures Kitra seems okay, but Peter is creepy

When Peter is exploring the infinity pool, they come across other vloggers in the pool. JoJo's World and Kyle Pallo are there with their girlfriends. Notice how KP's girlfriend treats the intruders when she spots them? Are all these vloggers such thin-skinned people? Grow up!

I think the dude making the video with his own commentary is far more thin skinned than the girl in it doing the hilarious stealth flip off. She didn't look mad at all. Doesn't even look at Peter. Could be her just scratching her cheek. Frame grab a few frames before from OA's video she doesn't even appear to see him at all:

Peter's apparently on a huge weight loss kick now. He tweeted that he's lost 40 lbs using appetite suppressants, eating less and walking every day. Interesting, wondering if Kitra is doing the same too?

Oh yea his “doctor monitored medication”🙄 Dude just say you’re taking an Ozempic type shot every week. His “medication BUT it’s really eating less and exercising more” he wants to make it seem like it’s mostly his hard work and not the shots.
This guy is such a tool.
He’s a tool, but I do hope he drops some weight. I’ve been in his shoes and know first-hand the damage it can do to your body. My guess would be he’s got a diabetes diagnosis and maybe some scary symptoms. That’s what motivated me to lose weight.

And I’m cool with using meds to make it happen, but what none of these ever widening theme park tools realize is that losing weight is loads easier than keeping it off, and their park food lifestyle is gonna make it impossible in the long run.
He’s a tool, but I do hope he drops some weight. I’ve been in his shoes and know first-hand the damage it can do to your body. My guess would be he’s got a diabetes diagnosis and maybe some scary symptoms. That’s what motivated me to lose weight.

And I’m cool with using meds to make it happen, but what none of these ever widening theme park tools realize is that losing weight is loads easier than keeping it off, and their park food lifestyle is gonna make it impossible in the long run.
And it really wouldn’t be hard to bring food to the parks and I get that it’s their content but maybe film some stuff on different days, all of that sugar and fat is getting to him
And it really wouldn’t be hard to bring food to the parks and I get that it’s their content but maybe film some stuff on different days, all of that sugar and fat is getting to him
Indeed, and she had better watch out too! Especially for her health.
Additionally, once he loses the weight, he may become even more insufferable (if possible) and he may ditch her for a skinnier companion. I have heard that happens! Wait, what am I thinking, who would want that failed social experiment. 🤔😜
I've lost track of what number 'health journey' attempt this is with them as it seems they're on a new one at least twice a year. I haven't caught one of their videos in awhile but just saw their Universal Beijing video and couldn't believe how much weight Kitra has put on. It seems as if they both now barely fit on theme park rides (which seems ironic since they're theme park vloggers). However, this seems to be the case with 90% of these folks.
Something I've noticed in a lot of their recent vlogs.

Background: When you go to a restaurant, sometimes there are tables that have a booth/bench seat on one side and a chair on the other side. 1000 times out of 1000, you will see the female/wife/girlfriend sitting in the booth/bench and the man/husband/boyfriend in the chair. Chivalry isn't dead.


In their videos it's always Peter in the booth/bench seat and Kitra in the chair. Always.

I sure hope Kitra prefers it that way for whatever reason, because it really makes Peter look like a little witch.
For those who don't follow The Tim Tracker threads here @xmasbdaygirl is on a cruise currently with Tim Tracker and Ordinary Adventures. Perhaps she will share some observations about OA here but her brief mentions of them in The Tim Tracker thread have been favorable.

Wow. The concept of being trapped on a boat with multiple obnoxious vloggers surrounded by nothing but miles of open ocean sounds like my own personal horror movie. Godspeed, @xmasbdaygirl .
