This was something I wondered too. Imagine they're out somewhere and there are other kids around. One of them has a toy and Raven wants it. She snatches it away, won't give it back and breaks it. What happens then? Because if I was the parent of the other child in that situation I'd damn well want to see some discipline!
I also get the impression that Dean isn't always 100% on board. Several times she's mentioned "having to convince him" about the home schooling thing, and has written "please let me home school Dean" on her posts too.
The state of the house also confuses me. She has one kid and I'm sure she once said she works 10 hours a week. I get that parenting can be hard work, I'm one myself, but there are parents out there with more kids and working more hours than her, and they manage to keep a tidy house. She says she wants more kids, but she seems to struggle with domestic life with the one she's got.