I think Olivia & her friends defo take drugs on top of smoking & drinking...keeps you thin & awake to party with rich men on yachts all day & night lol
In all seriousness the crowd she hangs with just screams "I'm sooooo healthy & my body is a temple so I only eat free range, organic, gluten free avo on toast, drink oat milk matcha lattes & go to pilates" in the day time & then at night "let's get fucked out of our minds on £15 vodka sodas that taste like
tit but are low cal & sniff a gram of coke off someone's tits in a random persons 4k a month flat"
It sounds extreme but they just seem textbook nepo / middle-class coke heads
The stories she's told & how she's said she gets blackout everytime she goes out. I can't imagine her turning down a few bumps if offered in that state especially from a guy she fancies & then it becoming a habit