Olivia Hammond (Oliviaclairem)

I’m finding her references to drugs really annoying or like digging her friends out saying how their all still out on a Sunday morning but she’s up with a baby, I think she thinks she’s a teen mum! I always feel like when she mentions her friends it’s like she doesn’t like them
Like we get it… you used to be a while child party animal and now you’re a mum… most of us have been! It’s normal, we find in our mid/late 20’s we start doing different things from our earlier 20’s people start getting engaged, buying houses etc what she’s done isn’t breaking the mould she’s not the first and not the last!
Did someone see her latest Tik tok video? She did a story time about being scammed in a massage place in Sri Lanka and said they left the baby with their trip driver while they were getting a massage 😳
I find it crazy she’d happily leave Beau with a random trip driver but was annoyed that he had to wait outside the room with a midwife whilst she had an emergency scan??