Honestly, the brass neck of this woman?!?! Basically telling parents “yeah it’s fine to neglect your kids if that’s what you gotta do”. Err no, no it’s not. It’s really, really not. Part time (32h/wk) working parent here, and guess what?! I showed some responsibility and sorted out childcare and arranged different annual leave to my FT partner so that we were covered for the school holidays. We make ends meet, just. Holidays and expensive days out? No, we sacrifice these to be able to have the money to work a little less and be able to spend TIME with our kids. She ‘works’ from home… She seems to be constantly seeking validation about HOW MUCH ‘work’ she has to do. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, from where I’m sitting, a significant proportion of the time she spends working is spent messing about in front of her phone - making up silly dances etc. How much does this nonsense actually make you Cat? Spending time, setting up to ‘model’ all the frankly hideous AFF-linked/PR-gifted clothes you’ve been sent? Is this actually rewarding? Is the monetary gain worth sacrificing the well-being of your children for? If I found I was forced to put my kids in front of the TV all day in order to make ends meet, I’d be taking a serious look at my priorities and time management and making some major changes. Take a bloody insta-break woman. Even on your supposed ‘holiday’ you were posting every 2 minutes. A weeks holiday. The world won’t implode. Business won’t dry up. All your fans will be there when you get back. You’ve a week before your kids go back to school. When you’re old and grey and your kids have finally buggered off, what will you have to show for it - a portfolio of shiny little squares on an internet app and a website, and kids who won’t look want to have anything to do with you after what they’ve read on the internet and seen how you’ve flogged their childhood and their privacy for money. Go on, go have another word with yourself. Cry ‘trolls’ all you like. Not a troll here. Just someone concerned about the message you are sending out to your followers, and for the current and future wellbeing of your kids (don’t worry, it’s not just you - I’m concerned about the children of plenty other influencers too…)