Niomi Smart #88 Bye bye cock retreats and naughty Halloween orgies … hello museums and Dior parties

Why did he call Obama disgusting? I know there is no justification - but what was his?
I can't remember exactly, perhaps that Obama was corrupt in his view? But he said he was 'disgusting'. I think it was around the 30 mins mark in the podcast
At various points in the podcast he spoke about friends/relationships that you have to let go if they're not serving you.... And sometimes they let you go and you have to accept it. That seemed to me a reference to Niomi breaking up with him, although he was always careful to not reference a relationship specifically.

Sooooo many references to people 'not serving him' anymore. Niomi definitely picked up that term from him.
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I was honestly shocked when she dated Forky because I massively overestimated her taste/standards and thought she’d rather be single than with someone like that after DJ. But then it just got worse and worse and I realised I had no idea how little self respect she has.
Who was DJ? I know of Forky and Lordon but who was that, can someone be so kind and give a recap.
Saw this yesterday and it made me think of Niomi 😂 Except she can’t even get herself so far as to go to therapy.
My abusive ex was (likely still is) a Trump supporter, a raging racist and a conspiracy theorist. It was the source of many of our arguments as he’d accuse me of being a ‘liberal lefty’ and belittling him by showing him actual facts that proved his wild theories wrong.

My mistake was thinking I could fix him and feeling sorry for him, but I don’t believe I am a bad person for staying in that relationship for 2 years as I struggled to get out. Coercive control and all that. Honestly not looking for sympathy but trying to show how complex an abusive relationship can be - there were moments where I simply agreed with him, completely betraying my own values, as I was too exhausted to deal with the fallout of disagreeing.

I think Niomi has questionable morals but I don’t think she agrees with the tit Jamie’s spouting now, maybe it’s my own bias but I wouldn’t be surprised if she really struggled with his messiah complex.
My abusive ex was (likely still is) a Trump supporter, a raging racist and a conspiracy theorist. It was the source of many of our arguments as he’d accuse me of being a ‘liberal lefty’ and belittling him by showing him actual facts that proved his wild theories wrong.

My mistake was thinking I could fix him and feeling sorry for him, but I don’t believe I am a bad person for staying in that relationship for 2 years as I struggled to get out. Coercive control and all that. Honestly not looking for sympathy but trying to show how complex an abusive relationship can be - there were moments where I simply agreed with him, completely betraying my own values, as I was too exhausted to deal with the fallout of disagreeing.

I think Niomi has questionable morals but I don’t think she agrees with the tit Jamie’s spouting now, maybe it’s my own bias but I wouldn’t be surprised if she really struggled with his messiah complex.
Sorry but Dimbobs doesn't have the intellectual capacity to understand enough of global politics to agree or disagree. Her sole criteria would be 'what's in this for me?'
Late, but of all the things I expected to read on this thread, people defending bloodthirsty Obama (who dropped so many bombs that the military ran out of them) wasn't on my bingo list.
I mean, duck Trump too, but you can't have ethics standards for one and not the other.
I doubt that Lordon‘s opinion on Obama (who, like every US president, needs to be heavily criticized) is based on information and critical thinking. He has „ethic“ standards for Obama, but not for Trump, and I don’t think it’s too far fetched to guess why.
Who (WHO???) told this guy what he had to say was worth spewing publicly? Does he think he's a poet? I agree with the person above who said that she couldn't believe Niomi would go so low. I think after DJ (who wasn't perfect but didn't seem to be the scum of the earth either) we all expected she had standards. Now I fear for what's next. What could be worse than Donkey and Forky? Let's speculate. I mean, at the very least, if I'm thinking a tech bro MAGA guy, tech bro would imply he at least would get a paycheck, which is more we can say for the waste of space that this Jamie is. Maybe she'll just go for a ready-made instagram husband material who is clearly a leech. But even that seems more supportive and harmless than this idiot. In French we have a saying of when someone hits rock bottom but keeps digging. I have no trust at all that she'll sort herself out.
I doubt that Lordon‘s opinion on Obama (who, like every US president, needs to be heavily criticized) is based on information and critical thinking. He has „ethic“ standards for Obama, but not for Trump, and I don’t think it’s too far fetched to guess why.
I wasn't addressing nor defending Lordon. I was surprised that people think that being black absolves you from being a war criminal. But as you were.
I have a feeling she’s not gonna stay in the UK for long.
I think she'll go for a ski vacation and then back to somewhere warm
Ah yes! He has that messiah complex for sure. Incredibly inflated ego. The moment someone does not agree with him, that person is not serving him. I predict he will end up alone as the time goes by as He is becoming more arrogant and more creepy each day. And his "friends" he meets are always more like "acquaintance".

My abusive ex was (likely still is) a Trump supporter, a raging racist and a conspiracy theorist. It was the source of many of our arguments as he’d accuse me of being a ‘liberal lefty’ and belittling him by showing him actual facts that proved his wild theories wrong.

My mistake was thinking I could fix him and feeling sorry for him, but I don’t believe I am a bad person for staying in that relationship for 2 years as I struggled to get out. Coercive control and all that. Honestly not looking for sympathy but trying to show how complex an abusive relationship can be - there were moments where I simply agreed with him, completely betraying my own values, as I was too exhausted to deal with the fallout of disagreeing.

I think Niomi has questionable morals but I don’t think she agrees with the tit Jamie’s spouting now, maybe it’s my own bias but I wouldn’t be surprised if she really struggled with his messiah complex.
I wasn't addressing nor defending Lordon. I was surprised that people think that being black absolves you from being a war criminal. But as you were.
I didn’t see anyone say that, the discussion never went that deep imho. People were surprised that he would call Obama disgusting while praising Trump at the same time. Being black doesn’t absolve him from being a war criminal. Many Trump supporters are raging racists, who don’t mind war crimes being committed by white politicians but can only name Obama as an example for en evil, disgusting president.
I'm a pacifist but I can't even name a recent president who didn't drop bombs somewhere, it's legit impossible, maybe Carter? They both did it but looking it up it still says that more were dropped under Trump, even though they both dropped a lot. In the very least Barack got rid of Osama and Trump let Covid fester through America pretending it wasn't real, with over a million perishing under his watch. Also in, 2018 Trump decided to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which was a big part of what's happening now.

Anyways, not to derail this thread and get kicked out lol but Jamie praising Donald Trump is just plain ass weird, he will always defend the more deplorable person, and honestly it's gross to me that Niomi doesn't care at all what Jamie did in his past and what he believes in while spewing rainbows and fake sunshine in his posts. I don't think they even discuss current events because they can always hide behind their parent's money if something crazy happens in the world.
The grot-bag is eating raw liver for the Gram again 🤮
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Goddd he's so grossss.... liver is a filter, yeah it has some nutrients but I think that stuff is making him dumber and not healthier. I'm surprised he said that the meat in Bali wasn't up to his standards after hanging out with half naked men for months 🥴 😆 😝

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