NI Tiktokers #2

What an absolute scumbag he is! Why anyone would waste their prayers on him is beyond me. Let him rot

Exactly - all of them are complete vermin - you reap what you sow Beverly!

She’s a nasty witch and always making out how much they are failed by the system housing etc All that mental health matters stiuff etc. When both homand the daughter are skiprats!
The car is most likely a notability one.

No infection would have you acting like that. My partner nearly died from sepsis and was of colour a few days then collapsed into a quivering mess. Don’t recall his uttering a cross work never mind wreck anything.

He’s only out of prison last week, he’s normally back in it again causing some attack on poor members of the public soon after release.
Now she has got it too maybe she will have some more sympathy for all his other victims over the years.
Anyone know what the craic is with shazzy shankill? Haven’t seen anything from her on TikTok in a lifetime and she used to post stuff all the time

I wonder too. Shazzy was attention seeking so much and seemed addicted to tiktok so its odd she has gone away. Same happened last year tho she disappeared around this time of year. I wonder is she in a rehab ? Would love to know what her and alan are up too
I wonder too. Shazzy was attention seeking so much and seemed addicted to tiktok so its odd she has gone away. Same happened last year tho she disappeared around this time of year. I wonder is she in a rehab ? Would love to know what her and alan are up too
There was comments that she'd been in jail for beating up someone, then others had said she'd been in rehab. She was back for a few days but seems to have gone awol again.
Exactly - all of them are complete vermin - you reap what you sow Beverly!

She’s a nasty witch and always making out how much they are failed by the system housing etc All that mental health matters stiuff etc. When both homand the daughter are skiprats!
The car is most likely a notability one.

No infection would have you acting like that. My partner nearly died from sepsis and was of colour a few days then collapsed into a quivering mess. Don’t recall his uttering a cross work never mind wreck anything.

He’s only out of prison last week, he’s normally back in it again causing some attack on poor members of the public soon after release.
Now she has got it too maybe she will have some more sympathy for all his other victims over the years.
Aye heard a few things about her lately too but dont know if they are knowledge to more people so wouldnt say incase comes back on who told me 😳