NI Influencers #12

Obv everyone has their own opinions on 2 gay men raising a child but I don’t agree with it whatsoever. (And don’t come for me) A baby/ young infant NEEDS her mum, it’s only natural. I wonder when they fly back to NI with her? I’m expecting them to stay in USA for at least 12 weeks?

Ah here now, what happens all the babies whose mummies die in childbirth?????
Obv everyone has their own opinions on 2 gay men raising a child but I don’t agree with it whatsoever. (And don’t come for me) A baby/ young infant NEEDS her mum, it’s only natural. I wonder when they fly back to NI with her? I’m expecting them to stay in USA for at least 12 weeks?
Not all babies end up with a mum so I what’s the harm in 2 men raising her. At least it’s clear to see they want that baby. Some mums have them and don’t even want them 🙃
Obv everyone has their own opinions on 2 gay men raising a child but I don’t agree with it whatsoever. (And don’t come for me) A baby/ young infant NEEDS her mum, it’s only natural. I wonder when they fly back to NI with her? I’m expecting them to stay in USA for at least 12 weeks?

A baby needs to be fed, kept warm, kept clean and feel secure. I'm pretty sure these two men will provide that for their baby, and more. I'd rather two gay men raising a baby in a loving home than some ill rared hellion who clear doesn't want to be a parent dragging a baby behind her or using her for clout online.
Obv everyone has their own opinions on 2 gay men raising a child but I don’t agree with it whatsoever. (And don’t come for me) A baby/ young infant NEEDS her mum, it’s only natural. I wonder when they fly back to NI with her? I’m expecting them to stay in USA for at least 12 weeks?

there's no place for that attitude in this day and age wise up. that baby will be given an abundance of love from her new parents and will want for nothing in this life, there are many women out there raising children who cause nothing but harm to their babies and the child would be better off without them - it's not a gender thing its a decent human being thing. you might do yourself a favour to sit back and reflect on how stupid that statement you just made is.
Goading, stop trying to provoke
LOL seemed to rattle a few feathers with that one 😂 can people not have opinions now? It’s unnatural for 2 gay men to raise a child. Same people disagreeing with me are the same ones who’d go mad if a puppy was taken from its mother early 😂😂 stay raging 😂
LOL seemed to rattle a few feathers with that one 😂 can people not have opinions now? It’s unnatural for 2 gay men to raise a child. Same people disagreeing with me are the same ones who’d go mad if a puppy was taken from its mother early 😂😂 stay raging 😂

you can have your opinion and others are entitled to disagree with it. I believe as long as a child has a loving parent/parents it doesn’t matter if they’re men or women.
Influenzas who complain about lack of engagement piss me off so much. The same ones who would say ‘it’s not about the views, it’s about just having fun’ 🤪 yet getting bitchy when people don’t like their stuff 😂 screaming desperation for validation and views Jesus imagine 😂😂


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Beverley was a mess last night! Deleting comments about the kids! Looks like she's in a room and sharing a bed with Elizabeth! She said she gave up her bed and slept on the floor for someone homeless so it must be a hostel or some kind of emergency room, has she lost the house?? She was always live in the kitchen or odd time living room.

She said she's going to tell all, 4 years of stories and alot of truths.
Influenzas who complain about lack of engagement piss me off so much. The same ones who would say ‘it’s not about the views, it’s about just having fun’ 🤪 yet getting bitchy when people don’t like their stuff 😂 screaming desperation for validation and views Jesus imagine 😂😂
You just want to comment- duck up and get a real job, you attention seeking, grifting caaaaannt