it was definitely very lacklustre and as expected, she couldn’t go a whole evening without taking several selfies. I wondered if there was some perceived slight on her end - did the even organisers not fawn over her enough?
I mean, I understand she’s bored and she hates being outside and interacting with people - so why does she accept the gymshark freebies? Why does she “influence” as a career?
Her entire attitude was bratty, rude, passive aggressive and a bit crappy.
I don’t like gymshark. I think it’s fast fashion and unsustainable. But even I can’t help but feel sorry for the people who’ve worked hard to open this store, plan this event and then have Nelly - someone who makes a living faffing about at home - come and sneer at everything. Act like she is so above it all when she sits at home, receives her freebies, does a paid for post talking about how wonderful they are then sells it off on Depop for profit. It makes her a huge hypocrite.
It was tacky AF to post that about the mannequin and she knows this. She acknowledge that it’s more appropriate to speak to them privately about her concerns before airing it. But her need to be seen as right and just, trumps being decent and professional.
She’s really showing herself to be a deeply unpleasant person. In those few pics B showed more grace and decorum than Nelly has ever shown herself to be capable of.
She’s a grown woman acting petulant AF and I’m so embarrassed for her.