Oh look, another “sexiest ever photo” of herself. I wonder when she will realise that her warped agenda of “body positivity” is actually now a completely narcissistic circus act, to cover the fact she is deeply unhappy and insecure; with no friends, no hobbies and a boyfriend that probably just stays with her because, who will look after her if he leaves?
I am really all for loving the skin you’re in, accepting your body flaws and all, but I truly believe that it should be done for yourself. It’s almost pathetic the entire idea of trying to “influence” people into loving themselves, it’s just smoke and mirrors isn’t it? You’re not happy, you’re not fooling anyone else either. If you were truly happy and body positive I don’t think you’d have such a strong urge to prove that you are all those things.
It’s like what boxes can I tick next to try and stay relatable and scream body, sex, orgasm, periods, body hair positive?
- Sex toy “designed” (lol) by Nelly -
tit reels stolen from other creators -
- content ideas stolen from other creators and never credited, as long as they have less followers and are less “relevant” than Nelly
it’s all so boring. Give it up. Get a normal job and take yourself away from the internet and truly find happiness and then come back and push that agenda. Fool.