I’m not a snob at all but, if I left my washing out & it rained I wouldn’t leave it out there for 3 days! I would take it in then wash it again. Is it just me or is that normal? Also people can we just have some sort of an explanation about the bad skin? Use a decent cream my love to get rid of the issues you have. Oh & please leave the damn birds alone to raise their young ffs! Also, omg I’m on one, but does she not realise that squirrels are rats with bushy tails & also they are so nasty. Omg chemicals overload!!!!! Just think of all of that going into the ocean & killing sea life! Oh no like Mrs Hinch she doesn’t care, maybe think about using bicarb & white vinegar! Ok it doesn’t smell like ylang ylang or Mediterranean ocean but who the duck knows what that smells of anyway! Also, sorry I’m so on one, why does she have to document her life on Instagram? Also, here I go again, does anybody else believe that she’s depressed? I have been diagnosed with depression & severe anxiety, 1 of my issues was buying stuff, buying notebooks was a big thing for me, but just buying stuff because it made me happy at the time but we all know that doesn’t work, I believe she is so unhappy, she doesn’t have a relationship with her son, if she did she would be talking about him all the time, showing pictures of their meal the other day etc etc, but no there was nothing! But when she gets taken out by daddy we have pictures of everything! She obviously doesn’t have a happy marriage because they do not spend any time with each other, I personally think she is depressed. Ok rant over, sorry lol