VIP Member
No one is saying she drank alcohol whilst pregnant: I’m using that as a marker for her not being pregnant then. Or if she was pregnant but didn’t know she would still only be 15 weeks today not 19. Meaning the scan she posted when she announced can’t be more than an 11 week scan.On valentines she would’ve barely been due her period? (Again ASSUMING she’s 19 weeks because we do not know). And baring in mind she probably thought it was highly unlikely she would get pregnant right after having her miscarriage. I don’t believe she drank alcohol knowing she was pregnant.
As for her own reasons as to why she’s only just seen the midwife, they could’ve chose to conduct the first meeting on the phone? She could’ve seen a consultant prior who then deemed the midwife appointment wasn’t needed, there are countless reasons.
Regarding the heartbeat, the machines they use at the GP (assuming that is where she went) are known for not always being able to find the heartbeat and it is strongly recommended that people do not purchase these for home use because it can lead them to believe the baby no longer has a heartbeat.
I know this site is more for criticising influencers, but she’s just a woman who suffers from anxiety and is sharing her pregnancy journey. There is nothing malicious about her and I think she should be cut some slack.
I don’t really care if she’s announced it early, I wouldn’t but that’s a personal decision. It just seems she is being devious hiding how far along she is or when she’s due.