Chatty Member
Just reread this and it made me laugh for a second time
Ahh glad I amuse someone other than myself
Just reread this and it made me laugh for a second time
She’ll be homeschooling because she forgot to apply for his school place in time. That kid has got no chanceHas anyone seen her latest post that she is homeschooling?! I wonder if it's due to her son getting naked on a school trip?! Perhaps a teacher has told her it's inappropriate and she's now anti-school?!
Absolutely will be yeah!She’ll be homeschooling because she forgot to apply for his school place in time. That kid has got no chance
She'll palm him off on her Grandad! 100% she forgot to apply for school OR only put 1school on the form, which was full, so he got placed in a random schoolAlso I’m very baffled. I was a single parent with a young son and had to work full time to pay our rent and bills.
She always makes out she had to work for Sully, which is understandable, but now she can homeschool?!
I think she’s scared as her son has no discipline and will have to listen in school.Who actively tell’s thousands of people they have no intention of sending their child to school ever
I tell my kids exam results don’t matter don’t stress etc but reality is to go to school do exams then get a job/education etc
I find it crazy she’s openly just telling folk it’s fine he can pick stuff up
Completely agree with this my son is adhd and asd. I knew he wouldn’t cope with in mainstream but unfortunately nursery never took my concerns about him seriously. So nothing was put into place for him starting primary school. I just had to work with the mainstream primary school for 12 months till he got his ehcp and moved into specialist education. Sully had no boundaries whatsoever, I’ve said it before on this thread, she just thinks everything he does is funny or him being a free spirit. My son can be really hard work but I always pull him up if he’s doing something that isn’t appropriateAlso who does their hair in the kitchen? How unhygienic?!
I know she wants to show off her ‘manifested kitchen’, that wasn’t manifested but just chosen by her
But blow drying your hair in the kitchen? Do it in the bedroom like everyone else you weirdo
I think she’s scared as her son has no discipline and will have to listen in school.
My son was late diagnosed adhd and I had a nightmare in school, but I still told him he has to try and do his best. I didn’t shy away from a good education just because he’s got needs. I worked with the school!
The ‘learn trades off my grandad’ is laughable. Who’s to say her grandad will still be here when Sul is in his teens? Not nice to say but when dad is locked up, who’s teaching him trades?
Also trades often need a lot of maths. My other half is an engineer and needs to work out space and volume etc. Who’s teaching him maths? Other than to weigh a gram…
I'm not for one minute suggesting I don't sweat but this made me LOL