Exactly. I get routine, I know its really important for day to day life, everyone benefits from it. But OH MY GOD she is militant about it. Its not like she has to be anywhere if they sleep a bit longer in the morning, or go to bed a few mins or an hour later. I didn't do a structured routine with my eldest, she never slept anyway, and to this day as a teenager she is a night owl, I'm asleep before her most nights
But I still managed to go back to work when she was 7mths, full time, was up and out by 8 every morning, creche drop and collected before 6.. home, dinner, play, bath, story, bed.. and then clean and get organised for the next day. I did a bit more routine with my 2nd, but it came naturally to him, he was more of a sleeper, but if he went to bed at 7, 8 or 9, it wasn't the end of the world.