Same ! XxI used to really like her but it's like she's trying so hard she's just become so fake.
Same ! XxI used to really like her but it's like she's trying so hard she's just become so fake.
Same I'm from glasgow but her overuse of words that a non glaswegian would understand is highly irritating ,I see her ketones are working wonders tired irritable and a spotty face ...little twunt...nanite ma wee palsIt does my tits in how Scottish she is with her expressions! I am too and I understand what they mean but it’s as thought she uses the expressions so it’s her “thing” when really it makes her sound like a fanny
Can I ask what is the obsession with her posting what size all of her clothes are?
Sorry if this has been touched on before but it totally does my head in.
I have noticed certain things are missed, she must have needed a bigger size in them
Bending the rules to fit in with what she wants not needs, a good dose of covid is what I prescribe for ma wee pal krankie.My wee pals, another needless trip to IKEA today for a desk they don’t need. She’s wearing the size SMALL in the hoodie..... SMALL!!!!!!!!!! And mind that time she was taken into hospital? You mean when you drove there to get checked out? Oh and her light switch is sticking so the electrician is checking it but fitting dimmers while there, essential? I think now. Covidiot.
I watched her say that with a straight face, I WAS TAKEN INTO you took yourself cos you're a lunatic. And the whole mentioning the clothes sizes all the time.. Piss off. She is absolutely bonkersMy wee pals, another needless trip to IKEA today for a desk they don’t need. She’s wearing the size SMALL in the hoodie..... SMALL!!!!!!!!!! And mind that time she was taken into hospital? You mean when you drove there to get checked out? Oh and her light switch is sticking so the electrician is checking it but fitting dimmers while there, essential? I think now. Covidiot.