‘I’m sat here in tears because yesterday was a disaster and everyone is so ungrateful. I started on meal prep yesterday at 6am whilst DC’s unwrapped all of their presents and DH had a lie on until 7am, then MIL turned up and kept offering to help me with preparing lunch but it was obvious that she was only doing because she thinks Im incapable and I felt so attacked in my own home. When we finally sat down for lunch at 2pm MIL kept sticking the boot in by asking if she could do anything to help and to add insult to injury the DCs had stuffed themselves with chocolate and didn’t eat any of the lavish lunch I had single handedly prepared. Most of it went to waste and I had spent so much money in Waitrose on the finest produce and had got my Turkey from a locally sourced farmer. No one offered to help with the tidying up and I had to do it all myself, with MIL constantly interjecting. i finally collapsed on the sofa at 4pm and the DC’s just wanted to play with their gifts and not play any of the games or take part in any of the activities I had prepared over the last few months the format of the day went wrong and I locked myself in the toilet and collapsed on the floor in tears Im now seriously considering LTB but will need to get my ducks in a row first’