OK, what’s your solution?
How do you propose this pandemic will end if everyone refuses the vaccine?
The dangers of covid are far greater than those of the immunisation .
Fear the virus not the vaccine.
Also look it up about unvaccinated pregnant women in covid wards.
I’ve looked it up I follow the data on a weekly basis and there is nothing at all to support what you’ve said. The pandemic won’t end with vaccines. Look at Gibraltar, 100% vaccinated population and they’re now in lockdown for Christmas, you know why? Because the vaccines don’t stop the spread! In fact the vaccines are now causing what many censored drs said would happen at the beginning, they’re causing vaccine escape. When you vaccinate entire populations and don’t follow a targeted approach then the virus mutates and those vaccinated, their body’s don’t recognise covid at all. The unvaccinated with natural immunity will keep that immunity abs aren’t at risk from the new variant (this is fact not conspiracy and it’s now what they’re talking about in the media, that’s why they are developing a vaccine specifically for this variant). The dangers from the vaccines if you look at the vaers and yellow card schemes sit at around 2% chance of severe injury and death, studies prove thus is underreported by up to 20%, the dangers of covid sit at 99.98% survival, which chance am I going to take.
So data proves that the vaccines still spread the virus, intact viral load has been proven to be the same in both v and non v therefore the v only protects the person having it. The unvaccinated are not the problem and pharmaceutical intervention doesn’t stop pandemics, natural herd immunity does. A targeted approach was what was needed and more like what Sweden did is how the rest of the world should have followed suit. If you don’t see by now what a sham this whole thing is then there’s no hope for you, will you still be blaming the unvaccinated when we have 95% vaccinated and you’re all on your 13th booster? Or will you just blame the ppl on their 7th dose at that point?