Mummywright.7 #2 Baby number 8, her legs open more often than the garden gate

I did wonder why they didn’t buy and opted instead to pay dead money in rent.
I never thought about debt as a reason.
Have they ever owned their own property at all?
I don't think they have ever owned a home, not while doing insta anyway! It's very strange that with so many kids especially you would choose to rent. The only reason I can think of is that there is debt and alot of finance as banks won't lend with any current finance. According to instagram Suzanne doesn't seem to be trying to sort out her bad spending habits in order for them to own a home. I can't imagine moving home every few years with so many children is fun, or the worry of a landlord deciding to sell up!
I don't think they have ever owned a home, not while doing insta anyway! It's very strange that with so many kids especially you would choose to rent. The only reason I can think of is that there is debt and alot of finance as banks won't lend with any current finance. According to instagram Suzanne doesn't seem to be trying to sort out her bad spending habits in order for them to own a home. I can't imagine moving home every few years with so many children is fun, or the worry of a landlord deciding to sell up!
It’s very odd, is her husband a part owner of the printing company or does he just work for his dad?
And there’s never been enough bedrooms to go around but yet she keeps popping more kids out!!
We know she isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer but surely anyone with half a brain would realise how crazy it is to keep breeding when you’ve hardly room to house the kids you’ve already got.
Wonder why she doesn’t have anything to do with her family?
It’s very odd, is her husband a part owner of the printing company or does he just work for his dad?
And there’s never been enough bedrooms to go around but yet she keeps popping more kids out!!
We know she isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer but surely anyone with half a brain would realise how crazy it is to keep breeding when you’ve hardly room to house the kids you’ve already got.
Wonder why she doesn’t have anything to do with her family?
Im not too sure what his role is, either way I can't see how he on his own can support so many children, a good few of them are teenagers so that is bound to be expensive! The house she is in I can't imagine would have any more than 4 bedrooms so I'm not too sure were she puts the kids. I think someone said a thread or two back in the previous house they had a sofa bed in the living room for one of the older children 🤦‍♀️ the kitchen and living area also look tiny, I can't imagine how crazy it must be with 8 kids 😳
Im not too sure what his role is, either way I can't see how he on his own can support so many children, a good few of them are teenagers so that is bound to be expensive! The house she is in I can't imagine would have any more than 4 bedrooms so I'm not too sure were she puts the kids. I think someone said a thread or two back in the previous house they had a sofa bed in the living room for one of the older children 🤦‍♀️ the kitchen and living area also look tiny, I can't imagine how crazy it must be with 8 kids 😳
Let’s hope she doesn’t have any more 🙄
Im not too sure what his role is, either way I can't see how he on his own can support so many children, a good few of them are teenagers so that is bound to be expensive! The house she is in I can't imagine would have any more than 4 bedrooms so I'm not too sure were she puts the kids. I think someone said a thread or two back in the previous house they had a sofa bed in the living room for one of the older children 🤦‍♀️ the kitchen and living area also look tiny, I can't imagine how crazy it must be with 8 kids 😳

It was her and Eddie that shared the sofa bed in the living room!! Because it was really really weird that her teenage girls shared a double bed.

she managed 7 kids in a tiny 3 bed sure she can fit another few in a 4 bed. I don’t reckon she’s done!

It’s very odd, is her husband a part owner of the printing company or does he just work for his dad?
And there’s never been enough bedrooms to go around but yet she keeps popping more kids out!!
We know she isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer but surely anyone with half a brain would realise how crazy it is to keep breeding when you’ve hardly room to house the kids you’ve already got.
Wonder why she doesn’t have anything to do with her family?

i think he just works for his dad. Don’t think he’s on company’s house as a director. We both work full time with very well paid jobs but couldn’t afford 8 kids and designed clothes everyday so my only thought is they are up to their eye balls in debt hence never being able to buy!
Do her younger kids EVER sleep through the night?
She’s always commenting on how she saw every hour of the night or managed about 3 hrs sleep, plus how they are always climbing into her bad at all times!
It’s ridiculous, perhaps all the money she spends on tat and new coats for herself every couple of weeks would be better spent on the services of a sleep coach, I’ve read of some pretty miraculous results from relieved parents.
Who the duck serves Yorkshire puddings with meat pie?!!!
And the constant use of throw away oven trays is infuriating 😣
Why can’t she wash and reuse normal ones?
Seems sustainability is way down her list of priorities.
Doesn’t she care about the state of the planet?
She should do, for her kids if not herself.
Who the duck serves Yorkshire puddings with meat pie?!!!
And the constant use of throw away oven trays is infuriating 😣
Why can’t she wash and reuse normal ones?
Seems sustainability is way down her list of priorities.
Doesn’t she care about the state of the planet?
She should do, for her kids if not herself.

Let's not forget that we are watching an incredibly 'basic' human being. Her IQ levels are probably in the single digits.
Is that stupid bint for real?
2-30 am and doing a haul of Primark crap before finally going to bed!
Who stays up till that time when you’ve small children wakening you at the crack of dawn?
She’ll be saying how she gets no sleep and exists on coffee next as usual.
Just try going to bed at proper time then.
Is that stupid bint for real?
2-30 am and doing a haul of Primark crap before finally going to bed!
Who stays up till that time when you’ve small children wakening you at the crack of dawn?
She’ll be saying how she gets no sleep and exists on coffee next as usual.
Just try going to bed at proper time then.

She’s nuts that baby should have been at bed at 10pm
And she was dragging her around the shops