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Does unsightly include mooching sisters?!
Does unsightly include mooching sisters?!
In creepy nightiesDoes unsightly include mooching sisters?!
I guess we are meant to be impressed by her branded belt but wtf is she wearing it so high???
Thought she looked a right mess.. money doesn’t buy you fashion sense or taste..I guess we are meant to be impressed by her branded belt but wtf is she wearing it so high???
She seems to have had a personality transplant since moving here.. so beggy and always on the make.. tbh it’s plain embarrassing the amount of begging she does. She needs to take on board the remarks cuz we are all saying the same.Ohh boo hoo people are being mean to me. Bloody hell woman some people have actual real problems. Nobody wanted you to fail and not be happy here!! We just look at your life living in your Mums spare room, making bitchy comments to followers online,wasting money on over priced ‘fashion’ , grifting stuff off companies on line and literally think we preferred your account when you lived in American. I bet your mum wished you stayed there too!
Notice how it was the “ to come to my house”She’s on the beg again.. a make up artist and hairdresser now.. will she pay or want gifted. Even better go to a salon or beauty studio… there you go Caroline.. a suggestion for you.
Or why they search for themselves on tattle/reddit then complain.I do not understand why 'shitfluencers' moan that people are mean to them when they post their personal lives ALL over socials? Of course you are going to get criticism.
That short skirt wud be better with thicker tights.. but too short for her..and why does she wear those flipping pink trainers with everything.. just a right mess..she had blk shoes there.. and perhaps tights again she obviously has a magic mirror!OMG she’s back with the GRWM - no planning, and yet again she’s a right flipping mess. Will someone book her a proper styling appointment