Mrs Northern Style

What has been going on I haven’t watched her for ages and now she’s raging about carpets and now she’s having time out do I just miss everything what drama is stressing her out??
her content is so bitty I can’t keep up.
What has been going on I haven’t watched her for ages and now she’s raging about carpets and now she’s having time out do I just miss everything what drama is stressing her out??
her content is so bitty I can’t keep up.
I missed the stories - they expired or she deleted them before i could see but i guess some people in a group chat are talking about her carpet cleaning tips and and advises that people do other things like use Astonish Ammonia on carpet stains .
I think she must have had a windfall or something because it wasn’t too long ago they were sleeping on air mattresses in a tent and had wrecked their mattresses and then had all three in one room because they couldn’t afford new beds yet
But now they are getting kitchen done and pregnant
I’m happy for her being pregnant but bringing a baby into that house and it doesn’t seem like they have an actual plan to sort it out any time soon
I can’t understand what possessed them to buy that house? Did they have a proper survey carried out before buying it?
I can’t understand what possessed them to buy that house? Did they have a proper survey carried out before buying it?

Think you have to by law now so they must of known some of the crap they were walking into. Not to mention they lost loads of money from the other house which I don't think she ever fully explained as the market was good when they moved.
Think you have to by law now so they must of known some of the crap they were walking into. Not to mention they lost loads of money from the other house which I don't think she ever fully explained as the market was good when they moved.
I don’t understand why they sold their other house and lost money. Could they not afford it? But they obviously got jobs and have bought another house so must have a mortgage in this one. I can’t believe she announced the pregnancy so early. No wonder she is stressed.
I’m not sure sharing her stress to this extent is helping as people are feeding into it. She’s constantly reading about it all the replies to her stories etc
She has health anxiety she’s just asking for trouble as it only takes one person to say one thing and it will tip her over the edge.
For someone with anxiety as bad as hers Instagram is not the one to be on or to watch either.
I find it a bit strange that she posts a lot about big Instagram accounts posting cleaning hacks that are damaging and giving out wrong advice as she is a professional cleaner but yet I’ve just looked and can see she follows, likes and comments on mrs hinch’s posts, the biggest damaging cleaning account around?
I find it a bit strange that she posts a lot about big Instagram accounts posting cleaning hacks that are damaging and giving out wrong advice as she is a professional cleaner but yet I’ve just looked and can see she follows, likes and comments on mrs hinch’s posts, the biggest damaging cleaning account around?

double standards at best, she would never die take on Hinch her army would slaughter her lol
Does anyone understand why they moved if they knew they were losing equity or why they did even lose equity as it wasn’t at a time where property’s were losing value? Infact I know several people who made a lot on their new builds even within just one year? I have looked through her posts and can’t see any explanation? I do find her posts and stories quite jumpy and confusing but maybe I’ve misssd some. I’m just simply curious as to why they did it and have to live how they have when they had what seemed a lovely house? I know people take on renos but surely have to have some money behind them to do it up? Why not wait a bit until you didn’t lose equity on your house?
Is she trying to say a car rear ended her so she went to the hospital but they would only give her an ultrasound if she had bleeding so she lied and said she was bleeding ?
I really do feel she needs to take a Break from insta. Every other day she’s anxious /stressed about something. I completely understand her anxiety about her pregnancy especially after a miscarriage but why would she announce it so early? That surely adds more stress.
she posted about buying this house and says because they didn't have equity or something she lost about 10,000 that they were going to renovate with. sounds silly to me . doesn't sound near enough $ to deal with this house. Like the kitchen is going to be probably more than that. I dunno why they just started gutting it when it was clear the pot of gold wasnt there.
like if the house is so bad you had to sleep outside in a tent for a time. kitchen still isn't sorted . the stairs need almost completely redone . Its a wonder they are allowed to live in it like that .
Attempting to moderate, tone policing, or telling people what to post is against the rules, please report, keep scrolling or ignore a user
DONT KNOW HOW TO REPORT THIS TO GET IT REMOVED but ur just plain nasty when it’s effecting her well being, GROW UP unfollow her and remove this childish account ffs 😡

Do u really what’s it to do with u???
I really do feel she needs to take a Break from insta. Every other day she’s anxious /stressed about something. I completely understand her anxiety about her pregnancy especially after a miscarriage but why would she announce it so early? That surely adds more stress.
DONT KNOW HOW TO REPORT THIS TO GET IT REMOVED but ur just plain nasty when it’s effecting her well being, GROW UP unfollow her and remove this childish account ffs 😡

Do u really what’s it to do with u???

With all due respect. What @GossipBlue has said, in no way compares to some of your posts, particularly on the Hinch thread. So what’s the difference? Genuinely interested?

Because Hinch isn’t crying and breaking down on her stories? How do you know that your words don’t effect Hinch the way that @GossipBlue has Kerrie?

And in my opinion, what @GossipBlue posted sounds like it came from a place of genuine concern. Social media isn’t for everyone, that’s why, as adults we have to choice to unfollow, block or remove ourselves completely from insta. Also, if we know that someones negative opinion is out there, we have the choice Not To Look! Not everyone is going to like her and when she puts herself out there in a public forum, she has to accept that she will have some criticism.

Being pregnant after a loss is hard enough without having that added pressure.
She has been saying for 2 days she’s coming off insta, but her profile remains and she is still posting (with the threat of exposing tattle posters 🙄)

Her live the other night was heartbreaking, if that were me, my husband would intervene and advise me to come off social media for my mental well-being.
I just hope she has a good family support to help her.
I say this with kindness, Kerrie, you need to take a break and go and focus on your family and your mental health. No matter how many people out there use the #bekind hashtag there is always going to be someone out there who won’t be and unless you are strong enough to deal with that then you need to step back.
I actually quite like this lady . I do think she was hoping to get a few bits gifted for the Reno, but to be fair I’d rather see a smaller account get gifted a kitchen than some greedy walloper like Hinch who just takes without giving much back.

Agreed. I think she’s harmless. One previous poster commented on how her stories are all over the place and this is what I think too. It’s like she talks for the sake of talking and there’s no real substance to what she says.