Am I ok to talk about the oil price falls? It's on topic seeing as they have a huge mortgage in an area where house prices are artificially proped up by oil prices.
It's down 30% since October 17
Aberdeen house prices could really fall hard if this carries on especially as new drilling for Aberdeen based wells is down to the lowest it's ever been since the 80s.
I really wouldn't want to have a huge mortgage in Aberdeenshire.
Its terribly adult sensible and mature to look to the future.
Totally agree with you.
Looking at 2019 financial outlook.
Rising interest rates
Rising petrol/ energy bills.
Rising bus fares for eldest get to senior school.
We are in process of moving.
Taking out a small mortage
Modest area and a modest house.
We have had to make compromises to buy.
These compromises will effect us for a while.
Less for xmas this year.
Cutting downon costs like food bill discretionary spending.
Buying clothes and furniture 2nd hand
Im not totally sure we can afford a holiday.
The economic outlook makes me feel bit anxious but we survived the 2007 crash which was hard.
Baffled how mortage underwriters offered a a big loan based on very variable unstable income.
Lol missed that was distracted by his bottom on rebs insta story.
I mean why. Officially man you have dire dress sense.
Where's a next official stylist when you need one.
Does it clash with the coastal boho interiors.