Many of the chemicals she's spraying everywhere will create serious repercussions for women. I was shocked when I first started to cleanse my body at the advice I received from an expert. I was tested for various things and one of the things that stopped my bad periods was stopping using clothing conditioner! It's a known female hormone disruptor in the healing world. He said he was seeing more and more young girls with 'muffin tops', guess what not over eating but chemicals such as conditioner caused! It's unbelievable! This happened to me and to these young girls when it's applied to clothes in a washing machine and
washed off. Yes it leaves a layer, but what Mrs Hinch is doing is crazy. I haven't spoken to him in a while as i'm healthy, but he will be shocked when i tell him a woman is encouraging people to spray it on their soft furnishings, scarves (she said in a radio show she sprays herself with lenor eg coat, scarf etc) that she washes railings and doors with it with a bare hand and encourage 2 million people to do the same! There's so much harm in this. I just found this in a quick search as I don't have the documents my naturopath gave me (this was back in 2010). But it made for very interesting reading, and now all of that has stopped. Btw I had ovarian cysts and endo, and I always used clothing conditioner. Now I don't have either. I've had a massive shake up and omitted most chemicals from my life as much as possible, and oh boy! am i reaping the results!! I've known this for 9 years, and I honestly somehow thought everyone else did too, which is why mrs hinch's popularity shocks me every day. and that's just one chemical with petrochemicals she's using, there's a ton more. Just take any bottle she recommends and read it's contents, once you get past all the warnings there's a ton of stuff you won't be able to pronounce, google them and side effects. it'll take you ages as there are so many!
She dropped some of her food on to her kitchen work surfaces last night (chopped raw onion) that's doused in Zoflora! Which should NOT be in contact with food!! she also sprays air freshener on there too which is pure toxic chemicals too. She is CRAZY.
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