I’m a newbie! And have stumbled across this post and am loving reading it, it all rings so true! This comment in particular, I was made redundant last September, and as you do, started following random people on insta and spending far too much time, checking in and watching them. Mrs H being one, I have struggled to find work and my mental health as hit an all time low, I have never been out of work. I thought “hinching” would help?! (Im not stupid, honest) but it’s actually made me worse! I became obsessed thinking that my house had to be a particular way, and I needed all these fancy products. I wouldn’t let anybody put anything out of place, and jumped on any mess etc. My husband actually sat me down one day and said I had to get a new hobby as this one was becoming ridiculously obsessive and had taken over! I stopped following her and joined a gym and a other activity clubs, to keep me sane and motivated, until I find work. Reading this, I also guess the amount of chemicals I was using was probably impacting! I now clean once a week, with a mini spruce up if needed, later in the week! So as much as people say, that she had helped them, I honestly don’t think they see the obsessive behaviour that they begin to express. My concern now, for her, would be when baby comes along. She won’t be able to keep up what she is now, not with a baby and her house will never be spotless again. That will impact her mental health more so than it is now!
Great thread by the way x