I’ve calmed down, since my post earlier — apologies for the language! In fact i’m finding it all rather comical now.
I don’t think her earlier post “I think everyone gets these little Bounty packs don’t they?” was just a rhetorical question. I think there’s a small part of her that might genuinely think her HCP put it together as a special little package because of who she is
I mean...who is she (in the voice of BB’s Nikki Grahame). Also that article about her earnings has clearly narked her. The fact she thinks anything about her would be front page news worthy is just ridiculous! Shows how highly she thinks of herself though. How I wish a journalist would do a bit of digging on her and reveal everything. Her sales history past, her post and story earnings, what she charges to “influence”/promote small companies, the gifts, the affiliate links, the amount of chemicals and one use plastic she endorses, the unsafe practices (cleaning and baby related), the fact she can find each and every message asking for a link, or telling her she is god’s Gift but ignores all others.
Also in regards to growth scans they are not a standard part of antenatal care. They tend to be mostly used after 20 weeks which is usually when the fundus (bump) starts being measured. The fundus ‘should’ measure in cm’s the number of weeks you are e.g 30 weeks would measure 30cm’s. Or at least that is the expected rate give or take a cm or two. There are a few reasons Mrs Hinch baby could be measuring small. It’s usually because of a problem with the mum (illness, infection, drug/alcohol abuse, BP, as well as malnutrition and very low weight), problems with the uterus/placenta or an actual problem with the baby. And once you have one growth scan you will inevitably have a few (every week or two) as babies grow in spurts so it gives you a better tracking history than just one scan. As Mrs Hinch has said today, baby is doing well and had a growth spurt which coincides with a) her hospital stay b) seemingly eating more and c) putting on weight herself. I don’t like to speculate on medical matters, especially having worked in maternity but given what we know from MH herself, along with what we surmise I think it’s all adding up.
I’ve seen a few comments of some of you having larger babies and not having had growth scans - it could be that your fundus was within the ‘normal’ range or if it was measuring large, it was because of another perfectly acceptable reason, such as your due date is slightly wrong, 2nd/3rd/4th baby, baby was in breech (or other) position, you have looser stomach muscles but if a condition such as polyhydramnios (too much fluid) or macrosomia (a baby much too large for its gestation) was suspected, then I’m confident a scan would be recommended. They were obviously just happy that your body and placenta were doing a great job of feeding and keeping your baby nice and healthy. I’ve really gone on a tangent and I’m sure a lot will want to skip this “Mums net” post, but I find it interesting.