OMG she's run out of ideas for ebay tat to con her hinchers into buying. Now there'll be swipe ups for fuckin birdseed
For a start she won't be feeding the birds all Spring and Summer as she claims because she's lazy af and doesn't even cut her dogs hair despite being a hairdresser and home alone all day with him so she could do it herself! She goes out every single day to the cheap tat shops yet she somehow can't drop Henry off for a groom.
Feeding birds is great but she should get a bird table with a roof and put it on her patio where she can sweep below it. She also needs to clean it frequently with a bird friendly cleaner to prevent the spread of disease. Would be a much better idea to feed the birds in the Autumn / Winter. There's a bit of an argument that birds don't need feeding in late spring and summer due to an abundance of natural foods and that live foods is better for them anyway esp as they are feeding chicks. The theory is that adult birds can get lazy and feed young birds with seeds which aren't perfect for growing healthy birds. Eg my neighbour found a sparrow nestling discarded by the parents as it had died, and sadly it's beak was open and rammed with seeds. She wanted to get them out just because, but couldn't there were so many it had choked. She's now stopped feeding the birds during Spring / Summer to prevent a repeat. However some say don't stop feeding birds, as the adults should give live foods to young, and eat the dry seeds themselves for energy boosts.
So who knows what's best but that feeder she's advertising made me sad.
It's not a bird 'feeder' it's a waste of money, just a gimmick. When it rains it will be spoilt. The wind and birds will flick it all over her lawn and she'll have some interesting sprouts. Also feeders on fences are really bad ideas due to cats. She has no clue that birds won't nest in a bird box hanging off a fence either for the same reasons, they choose nesting places themselves or in boxes that are placed high up off the ground. I got a bunch of bird nest boxes and it took some moving them around before they finally loved the spots, even things like changing from west to east facing made my blue tits move into my bird box, and having it REALLY high on the side of my house. Think the tallest ladder possible lol Humidity etc is really important to them too, so it's just under an overhang. This adds important shade to prevent temperature fluctuations. I've got birds using all my boxes now. NO WAY will anything nest in a box hanging loosely off a fence about 4 foot from the ground lol She's in cloud cuckoo land.
She just does things on a whim like a child, all excited, doesn't learn a thing about it, then packs it all in when she gets bored shortly later. Then it will be something else. Only she's making money out of hers and encouraging everyone to be like that too. Awful, really.