what do you want to know? I’ll try my best.
Like I said Mandi and Alan are the typical up their own arse fur coat no knickers type of people, o.m.g hair and nails (tacky name says it all) was ridiculous she ended up folding due to complaints etc. they now work for the family business they all do Pell and Baldwin fabrications. I’m not sure where their recent windfall came from? They’ve always been comfortable with cash.
Gemma comes from a really nice down to earth family, her mums the local childminder, really lovely lady. Her and her sisters actually had a bit of a reputation for thinking they’re better than everyone else. Presuming they are prettier than the next person. Especially honor. However, since they’ve aged it’s brought them down a peg or two she’s always worked hard from the age of 15, always worked, she’s not the look at me look what I’ve got type! She definitely is the better one of the Pell family. Jakes so laid back he’s practically horizontal.
Lauren, absolute c**t. Rotten to the core, always been a complete bunny boiler, loose, you name it. Anyone that gives her a slight bit of attention she’ll open her legs. Now when she had mason, obviously he was born with a heart condition and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy however my god didn’t she relish in that, oh can’t do that cause of mason, can’t do that, she really resents those kiddies, she likes the newborn stage then after that she’s not interested and they are little devils, but with a lazy mum who has no interest in them what do we expect?