VIP Member
So well saidBy no means are their actions ignored, REAL people see the wrongs, the BULLIES are the issue here.
Yes Bryan and Lucy, although we must be honest and say more Bryan has said some vulgar things, slurs etc... and the bullies have a field day with it. That's the point people miss.
This is a thread for the sheer disbelief of Kirstys actions however sometimes we need to bring others up to make the point come across clearer- for instance....
Dan James- on a live told Bryan " go and ponce more kids" " ill kick the hernias out of you" he claims to be totally against doxxing BUT allows others to do it in his live stream comments- only over the weekend he went into great detail about a secual act a woman had done whilst on phone to him, he did this for no other reason than he was annoyed at something she'd said that night- THAT is revenge porn, he also on same live used the R slur.... at no point was he pushed to the limits the way Bryan and Lucy are not just daily but every waking hour.
Kirsty- doxxes people, regardless of whether they are innocent and she's been wrongly informed ( Yet again) whether they mod for Lucy or they've done Kirsty wrong NOONE ever deserves to be doxed. The woman reels of LnBs numbers at every opportunity, leaves vile voice notes on theirs and others phones. Claimed not once, not twice - an abundance of times that she was going to dig a woman's son up and smoke him in a joint. She feeds people daily with the most outstanding load of lies and hiddiously inaccurate information for nothing more than her own self gain. She knocks L for sitting in bed all day, not leaving her house- whilst she sits in same spot for hours on end.
Kat- comes with proofs, come with facts that are nothing more than damaging allegations against innocent people. Hounds them via vile voice messages, on their fb profiles. Adds fuel to the fire then sits back and watches this almighty uproar that she has caused for what?... because in the end it makes her look even more stupid than people initially thought. Never once had that woman been right about anything Yet people still believe.
Misty mouth piece- tries to intimidate people, jumping in their box if they dual Lucy, fires off in the comments to GET OFF, END THE DUAL! Yet runs a Facebook group she claims is for awareness, that has actually been shut down more than once for the simple fact it's actually nothing but bullying. When she's not doing that she's screaming like a banshee calling people the C word, amongst many things. Modded for Lucy under false pretences for what?!?! To unblock, remove filtered words to get Lucy wound up and her anger, vile outbursts and mouthy attitude solely down to the fact, no matter how close she got to Lucy whilst she befriended her, there was still no evidence of what these mindless people believe is going on?!.
Chloe, again befriended Lucy, made her accounts- solely to turn on her, get labeled a legend and grab some popularity. She claims she did this to gain evidence off accounts that Lucy talks to children- but in next breath screams at someone I hope you get raped by your mother....
The point to all of this is, whilst you and who ever else read this thread you will NEVER find an untruth, things stated in this thread are facts. These people are just a few who claim LnB are the dregs of society yet these same people do just as bad but that's OK, because it's them and not LnB
No LnBs vile words are not acceptable- but niether are the actions and words of those named above- and those above don't order and pay for a takeaway only for some mindless individual to contact the restaurant and change the order, they don't place an order with a small business on the app and have the business owner TARGETTED for taking payment, for then the business to refuse further orders, they don't live day in and day out dealing with nothing more than bullshit allegations-
As for " vulnerable" people giving Lucy money in way of gifts etc... are they vulnerable, or do they see a woman taunted and hounded and want to give a little in way of support..only to be screen shotted and uploaded onto ANOTHER bully account and get labeled as a ponce supporter!! ....and are the people gifting the likes of Kirsty actually doing so genuinely or in fear of ever being crossed by the "gang" because they've seen what they are capable of?!....
Transphobic...I guess you haven't seen the things Simba said in regards to Porsche?....
Kirsty thinks she’s this big legend because of it all, her ego is so over inflated.Last night was honestly disgusting and again proved exactly what we’ve all been saying.
She sat there winding them up as much as she possible could, even talked about Bryan’s car insurance (what has that got to do with anything) and then when she dueled them tried to be all cool calm and collected to make it look like L was being the mad one.
How can people sit back and think what they’re doing is okay?! She sat there sharing Ls personal info (whether or not it’s been shared before is irrelevant).
She clearly gets a buzz off what she does to them. When she said “I’m breaking her down day by day” it just proved everything I thought of her. A vile bully that is targeting them. You are a perpetrator kirsty!
And before any of the FB group huns start no I’m not a ponce supporter
Hey fb group we are not n*nce supporters over here, we are the people that see the truth in what’s happening.