Mothering it

Only she would gloat over how small her baby is, she makes me so mad !!! 10-14 days is discharge I believe. If he was that frail he would be back in hospital. Yet again she’s clutching a straws so everyone will say how amazing she is blah blah blah !!! Boring
She really is an absolute dick, I can't believe what she does for attention, she's disgusting
The way she says Andy is back to work like he’s somewhere far away when he’s just at the end of the garden and is there as soon as she needs him, my partner works over an hour away from home and I don’t moan like her but also why does she keep having kids when ALL she does is moan about it? It’s not inspiring at all it just makes
Motherhood look horrendous, she constantly wants praise when there are millions of women bringing up lots of kids every day that don’t want praise from strangers, it’s like she’s had all those kids for the attention so
People can say “oh your amazing and oh you look good for 5 kids” you never see her really up beat like “good morning guys so today we are doing X,Y,Z and we are going to have a really fun positive day” it’s always so drab!
Fed is best is poppycock. Informed is best and a fed, cared for baby is necessary. I'm a breastfeeding supporter (primarily a mother & baby advocate - no agenda and nothing against any choices in feeding) and I don't know how she can justify allowing that much of a loss and still not topping up with formula or donor breastmilk. She's got plenty of money, she needs to put it to good use and buy breastmilk or get an IBCLC if she's determined to go with no formula. And then to coo over how small and frail he is. 🙁 Horrid.

It’s no inspiring at all it just makes
Motherhood look horrendous
Everybody moans when an influencer is happy and positive about being a parent because "it's not reality" and "they should show the tit stuff" but when I had my first I felt like all I saw was influencers talking about how hard and awful parenthood is - I was terrified. I had PNA anyway and seeing pages like Mothering It seriously made me think I was never going to be happy again once I'd had baby. 😂🙈
Fed is best is poppycock. Informed is best and a fed, cared for baby is necessary. I'm a breastfeeding supporter (primarily a mother & baby advocate - no agenda and nothing against any choices in feeding) and I don't know how she can justify allowing that much of a loss and still not topping up with formula or donor breastmilk. She's got plenty of money, she needs to put it to good use and buy breastmilk or get an IBCLC if she's determined to go with no formula. And then to coo over how small and frail he is. 🙁 Horrid.

Everybody moans when an influencer is happy and positive about being a parent because "it's not reality" and "they should show the tit stuff" but when I had my first I felt like all I saw was influencers talking about how hard and awful parenthood is - I was terrified. I had PNA anyway and seeing pages like Mothering It seriously made me think I was never going to be happy again once I'd had baby. 😂🙈
Yes me to! When I was pregnant a couple of the influencers I watched that had just had babies was saying how horrendous birth is and that how your ass hole drops out! That made me terrified! They really need to be careful what they are posting
Fed is best is poppycock. Informed is best and a fed, cared for baby is necessary. I'm a breastfeeding supporter (primarily a mother & baby advocate - no agenda and nothing against any choices in feeding) and I don't know how she can justify allowing that much of a loss and still not topping up with formula or donor breastmilk. She's got plenty of money, she needs to put it to good use and buy breastmilk or get an IBCLC if she's determined to go with no formula. And then to coo over how small and frail he is. 🙁 Horrid.

Everybody moans when an influencer is happy and positive about being a parent because "it's not reality" and "they should show the tit stuff" but when I had my first I felt like all I saw was influencers talking about how hard and awful parenthood is - I was terrified. I had PNA anyway and seeing pages like Mothering It seriously made me think I was never going to be happy again once I'd had baby. 😂🙈

Thank you for sharing some truth about breastfeeding! I had my first baby at 16 and have bf all 3 of my kids. I always got nasty looks and comments when my kids would cry and be unsettled after feeding but they never ever lost weight (except from the normal amount after birth). However Emma needs to look down other avenues if Eden is not getting enough, it's no good for either of them. It must be hard bf on demand with 4 other kids to look after but she hasnt been defeated if she introduces formula for the sake of Edens health! Again, what honestly matters more to this woman? Its all for show
The way she says Andy is back to work like he’s somewhere far away when he’s just at the end of the garden and is there as soon as she needs him, my partner works over an hour away from home and I don’t moan like her but also why does she keep having kids when ALL she does is moan about it? It’s not inspiring at all it just makes
Motherhood look horrendous, she constantly wants praise when there are millions of women bringing up lots of kids every day that don’t want praise from strangers, it’s like she’s had all those kids for the attention so
People can say “oh your amazing and oh you look good for 5 kids” you never see her really up beat like “good morning guys so today we are doing X,Y,Z and we are going to have a really fun positive day” it’s always so drab!
Has she ever been to a adventure park etc with them ? Taken them swimming ?
Never seen her take them anywhere other than for a walk, which is fine but they need a change of scenery

Looks like shes gone out with just Isabella and Eden?
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I completely agree with Fishnips! If she wants to continue to breastfeed then I think she needs some proper help!

it is hard breastfeeding when you have a large family as there is always lots to do and you don’t want the others feeling left out when you have a baby cluster feeding etc. But at present she doesn’t have the added pressure of school runs and feeling like she ‘has’ to be out doing stuff. Maybe she should stop going out for so many walks and focus on skin to skin and feeding Eden! If the kids are desperate to go out for walks then her dad could take them or Andy when he finishes work or on his lunch.
I completely agree with Fishnips! If she wants to continue to breastfeed then I think she needs some proper help!

it is hard breastfeeding when you have a large family as there is always lots to do and you don’t want the others feeling left out when you have a baby cluster feeding etc. But at present she doesn’t have the added pressure of school runs and feeling like she ‘has’ to be out doing stuff. Maybe she should stop going out for so many walks and focus on skin to skin and feeding Eden! If the kids are desperate to go out for walks then her dad could take them or Andy when he finishes work or on his lunch.
Totally!!! You just know she is alllll about show though so she would rather go out & about & attract attention with a newborn than actually help herself & her baby to feed.

If she has the help then you would think she'd make the most of it & concentrate on her feeding - literally sit with Eden on the boob all day!

She is just such a dick, she really boils my blood with her woe me yet selfish, narcissistic antics 😡
Makes me wonder if she’s really driving Andy up the wall. The baby’s a week old and he’s back to work full time? I know he’s self employed but surely he could be taking some time off for maternity.
I thought this... if he wanted to be there more he could , mind she says back at work.... at the end of the garden 🙄😂

She’s the type of women who would actually got off on the fact he’s not gaining weight, more attention on her part !!
Yep... I really hope I’m wrong but seems to me she will dig her heels in and resist formula JUST so he doesn’t gain weight and there’s drama and a hospital admission.. she really does make me sick!!
Is she eating a plate of lettuce? I thought you have to eat a lot of calories when your breast feeding?
You supposedly burn around 500 calories more than usual when breastfeeding but what you eat and drink and how much doesn't affect your supply (except some things in excess e.g. fenugreek can reduce supply). A woman's body will prioritise the young so if she was to eat nothing but lettuce she'd have problems herself but her milk quality and quantity would be unaffected. 🙂