Fed is best is poppycock. Informed is best and a fed, cared for baby is necessary. I'm a breastfeeding supporter (primarily a mother & baby advocate - no agenda and nothing against any choices in feeding) and I don't know how she can justify allowing that much of a loss and still not topping up with formula or donor breastmilk. She's got plenty of money, she needs to put it to good use and buy breastmilk or get an IBCLC if she's determined to go with no formula. And then to coo over how small and frail he is.
Everybody moans when an influencer is happy and positive about being a parent because "it's not reality" and "they should show the
tit stuff" but when I had my first I felt like all I saw was influencers talking about how hard and awful parenthood is - I was terrified. I had PNA anyway and seeing pages like Mothering It seriously made me think I was never going to be happy again once I'd had baby.