So... she’s “putting her phone down today” which loosely translates to a normal day of multiple stories, long captions, “inspirational” music over video & chatty videos also
Her “Spa weekend baby shower” the first thing she’s done since Xmas? What about date nights with her husband? Day trip to London with other Insta floggers? Overnight trip to London with her husband? - The contradiction and deceit from this woman is just awful! Don’t lie to your sheep who hang on to your every word making them believe you have this awful sheltered life where you get to do nothing?! When in actual fact you are at home comfortable in a large rural house with grounds, don’t have to work, Range Rover on the drive & live on your husbands income as work was “too much” for you being pregnant! Alongside shopping for clothes multiple times a month, lash extensions and no doubt upkeep of her dermal fillers! If anyone actually believes this woman they need to open their eyes!