Edit: sorry for the novel guys
Sorry, this isn’t helpful in the slightest but anytime I see/hear of lululemon I can only think of the lululemon murder
the jacket looks nice though and I size up in all tops to avoid them being too short!
I’ve had a pretty boring week tbh. I feel like Tattle has been pretty boring recently too, well the threads I follow anyway, just feel like there’s not been much happening. I’ve started looking at threads outside of influencers and have been loving the Aldi/Lidl thread, budgeting and saving thread and the unsolved murders/disappearances.
Wish there was a thread for finding motivation though. I’m in the last few months of my HNC and I’m so behind on work. I really struggle to find motivation when something doesn’t REALLY interest me and suck me in. Even though the incentive for me finishing and doing well in my Graded Unit means I can get a job 2 bands higher than I am now and I am desperate to earn more money, I’m still very ‘meh cba’ when it comes to studying/doing the work.
Lastly, found out on TikTok this morning that Tanya Burr cheated on Jim Chapman and that’s why they divorced!? Who knew! Well I’m probably last to find that out tbh but anyway, justice for Jim and Martha!!