I think everyone's bottom line is this"
Fact A: Molly has promoted body positivity through her channels.
Fact B: Molly has admitted to getting botox and even through her own channels, expressing that ~looking at her face constantly while filming vlogs, botox made her feel more self conscious so that's why botox helped her feel confident~ not that isn't a direct quote but a summary). Also no one is upset about that since that was open and honest.
Fact C: MAM FAM is bringing in a lot of monery
Observation A: Molly is losing weight that doesn't align with her behavior, or her attitude.
Side note: When I watched Molly on all ears, she used to say that she could fit into adult large t-shirts. I will be no means be combing back into videos, to find evidence, but as good as she has always looked I just don't see where she ever would have fit into an adult large shirt, even now.