Also at this. That’s what having a job is like Molly! Not that yours is real but if it were a real 9-5 this would be you 24/7!
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V interesting convo starter and I’ll try not to go too wild with my delve into it
but actually, I think this is v relevant topic currently as I do believe women are living in a false sense of comfort in the way that we think we are way ahead than we actually are and we think we are more empowered than we are in society in many ways; surgery dating careers etc….
put simply do I think a woman can get boob job/surgery “for herself”? YES this is the reason I would get it. however let’s not lull ourselves into a false sense of empowerment. The base reason why it would be “for us” and “empower” us and improve our confidence is bc we have been conditioned to strive for a particular beauty standard. Were i by myself in outer space with no magazine models, adverts, films, tv etc etc would I feel the need suddenly one day to wake up and go HANG ON! my breasts are not perfectly rounded and pert with nipples high up. I’m going to get a boob job.”
No. Bc I’d have had nothing conditioning me into thinking that’s how boobs “should” look. Do you get me? Like, yes women can be empowering themselves by getting surgery and doing it for them/ their own confidence but we need to look hard at WHY we feel more confident by getting that surgery. Essentially, I wouldn’t ever be getting a boob job FOR MEN, it would be for myself, but if I did get one it is inadvertently for men bc men/patriarchy have set the beauty standard we are getting surgery to achieve…and we’re upholding/perpetuating it by getting it. Even when we don’t mean to or aren’t aware of it
There is an amazing girl on tik tok I can recc who has discussed this at length. There is also then the factor of the surgery industry actually widening the beauty gap bc it’s often only a certain type of woman who can afford it to begin with…. There’s a LOT to unpack on this subject!