What about enzos teeth they are just as bad
Something he's been born with yet its taken her this long to get them sorted. Clearly she doesn't take them to the dentist very often otherwise they would have picked it up way before now.
Something he's been born with yet its taken her this long to get them sorted. Clearly she doesn't take them to the dentist very often otherwise they would have picked it up way before now.
What a coincidence its when tattle bring it to her attention.
Instead of photoshopping and filtering your kids to try and hide their imperfections.. get it sorted!
Put your bloody phone down for longer than 5 minutes and parent you kids ffs
Poor kid. He shouldn't be on Instagram in the first place.And...I bet she has told him what comments have been made by 'Trolls' to make him feel heaps better. Harribos and endless cokes have caused this. Oh and lack of visits to the dentist.
Calcium stains my arse. I bet that poor boy is being referred to hospital for a load of extractions. And I bet she will make it all about herself.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she has gone private as it’s months at the moment to get seen, unless it’s urgent. Would be a bit of a coincidence if she’d already had his check up booked.Or come on with a story kicking off about what the dentist said to her and she’s going private