I loved her old content..it was good.. she was funny at times..now its so so staged.
Her dancing..like others have posted is shite..boring..its all old content
The constant eating out is too much.
I'm not jealous of it..but I certainly couldn't afford to eat out everyday.
To me, eating out is a treat..its a way of life for her..which is unrelatable to probably 80% of her followers now..especially with gas,electricity, diesel prices having increased.
I think she needs a contents manager ( if there is such a thing) to help her with her content.
Times have changed since 2 years ago when her dancing was funny.. her sliding down the stairs on her tummy etc.
Back then she was showing us bargains that she found..giving us the occasional cleaning tip.
She has truly lost herself.
It goes to show you there is a time limit to these insta fame hunnies.
Time is running out for you greedy..