Also Hello Greedy . You are definitely reading here aren't you?
Talking about kitchen reno - mentioned here few days ago..check
Hauls never shown..check
Countdown timer & mentioning it wouldn't be you without one..check
Getting pissed on the daily ...check
Just show the bloody room. Stop making out people will put on a reminder for a 6 year old room. Ffs.
No one cares how many things you buy from crocs- they are awful.
Homesense if I walk out with a candle I'd be surprised. How can you spend so much there? If irs so great why is your house not finished? Curtains anyone?? Surely they sell them. Why did Brodie need a bespoke cushion for his bed then?
Also I actually think it's H who is the bigger drinker & the one who Greedy has caught up with. Use where there is a dependency in a couple one has dragged the other down.I've seen it a few tome in friends and family. The person has an addictive personalty (Greedy) & the other person is a heavier drinker and it becomes the norm. The photos before she was with H show she was taking care of herself.
Absolutely this! Plus H is sooo needy!! All the crap she put on her own IG last night about how Greedy is the love of her life knowing full well that she was out with her mates and would definitely see it. It’s like emotional bullying!! Just let the girl have a night out without you and don’t try and make her feel guilty about it. My ex was like that, I’d try and have a night out and be bombarded with texts. Classic insecurity