If she managed to get the order and ask for payment, she got the messages. If she's then been stupid enough not to note down who, what and where and that it's being paid for...if you were getting that many orders and had that many downlines, etc. you wouldn't be stupid enough to rely on finding messages in your DMs and would have a notebook or some sort of spreadsheet running.
It's one thing to 'not get messages' and just not get the orders at all, but once you start taking money and are lazy and not keeping track of details and relying merely on social media you are bad at business, if you are choosing to use social media as just an excuse, well... I bet it was all bank transfer or PayPal 'friends and family' so that no one has any protection either. If these #bossbabes are all running their own 'legitimate businesses' (
) work out your prices with PayPal fees and charge appropriately through the goods and services option.