Miss KyreeLoves #13 pretending to be a Stepford wife but she needs to get a life!

I don't think many 8 year olds would want to sit for nearly 3 hours and watch a movie.

Wow, when my girls were 8 they would have loved to drag one friend along to mummy’s salon for a free and sponsored blow out followed by a movie, lunch and nail salon. Not. Must have had to pay for everything except the hair, hence the one friend. Unless she takes after mummy in the friend department. Yawns.
Poor Loxley, you’re a tit stage mum Kyree. tit.
No because she definitely would have shared it. What was the point of Alaska’s being that big, to share with her one friend and the Harvey family? They’ll be eating it for weeks.

She adores her “natural colour”? When has this 8 year olds hair even been anything but her natural colour?
It was ‘red’ when Koi used to alter the colour on all her pics.
I get Lox not liking having photos taken but the kid barely rates a mention unless it’s for koi the grifters benefit.