Maybe Kyree should have pulled one of her teen girl out from the kitchen island and got past the first few chapters before trying to write her own book that nobody will buy unless they're a fangirl. There's no plot. There's no room for character development or any moral lessons because the main character is already flawless and she knows it. It's not about an anxious child learning self love, or a normal flawed child learning to be more thoughtful, it's about a spoiled "perfect" child who blurs the line between confident and arrogant. We don't need more adults like Kyree who thinks the sun shines out of her own ass.
It would probably be best for Alaska (or whoever that redheaded kid on the cover is supposed to be) if this book drops out of existence before she gets to secondary school. Hopefully schools have changed since I was a kid because not many kids would have gotten away with going on about how clever and kind and bewdiful they are without getting knocked down a peg.