In her stories she said "this time last year me and Georgia where on our way to.." Where? its were
How can she be that bad at english when its her first language. She then says "we really didnt take this holiday for advantage" ...she didnt take the holiday for personal advantage? whose advantage was it for?
ahh she means for granted
I swear she doesnt even know what words mean she just hears a word and puts in a word that sounds similar in its place cause she doesnt know the phrase, like when she said beal to endel, it be all to end all, like does she not know what words mean .. Idk its just so obvious how terrible she is and the fact she tells everyone how smart she is... at least she should recognize how bad she is at words and spend this lockdown trying to learn some basic phrases instead of spending 3 hours frantically trying to get her 16 y/o body back