WHY THE duck IS SHE DOING A PODCAST ON ABORTIONS?! Firstly, as far as I know at least, she has no first hand experience. Much like with the uni episode, stop talking about things you have no experience of. If she has a guest on, all Mish is gonna do is go 'yeah yeah', like you don't understand so why are you getting involved? Also her fans are mostly young teenagers, you're not trying to tell me anyone over the age of 16 are listening to her? It just really irks me when people try and spanner into a conversation they have no part in, like when the government talks about state owned schools and how they feel when they all went to private schools. You cannot possibly understand unless you were there/have been through the same thing. Of course abortion is a topic that needs to be talked about as it is necessary healthcare but how long until the discussion becomes 'should abortion be allowed'? Even though that has nothing to do with anything. Will it make her younger followers feel ashamed if they need an abortion? I know she wants to 'break the stigma' but honestly she doesn't have the right platform for topics like this, plus she isn't nearly sensitive enough to try and talk to someone about it